David Taylor
I am now earning a living as an independent software developer and consultant. If you want to say "thanks" for any of my software, here is my Amazon Wish List or you could send me an Amazon Gift Certificate for david-taylor@blueyonder.co.uk
- david-taylor@blueyonder.co.uk
United Kingdom
This program plots the left and right components of a stereo signal as vectors in such a way that the direction of arrival of the signal can be estimated. This has application to direction finding, or audio phasing checks. A screen-shot from an earlier version...
Audio Oscillator & Sweep Generator
SweepGen turns a PC into an Audio Oscillator and Sweep Generator which can be used for testing audio or educational purposes. In conjunction with audio test instruments, you can make frequency response plots. SweepGen uses the sound card in your PC to produce sine waves that are mathematically correct almost to CD quality, indeed it's more likely that the quality of your PC sound card will be the limiting factor rather than the code in SweepGen.