Advanced Power Designs, Inc.
Main business areas focus around state-of-the-art power conversion products (both software and hardware) aimed at the Automatic Test Equipment industry.
- 949-600-6400
- 949-600-6401
- 19772 Pauling
Foothill Ranch,, CA 92610
United States
Programmable ISA Power Supply
The Model 900 programmable power boards provide independent control of upto eight seperate power outputs. In addition to the programmable poweroutputs, the instrument also provides voltage readback and sensingfunctions for current and temperature.
Programmable Power Supply
The VXI600 series instruments are single, double, or triple output power supplieson standard dual slot VXI C-Size formats. A single module can provide 600W ofcontinuous output power up to 450VDC and 30 amps, depending on the output stagesselected. All outputs are independent and isolated and may be used in parallelfor greater flexibility.
Programmable Resistor Card
The VXI150 is a high accuracy programmable ladder packaged on a single slot C-size VXIbus card format. The instrument is a standard resistor based card providing programmable resistance values from0.5 to 1.5M ohms in 0.1 ohm increments. And since high power precision resistors are used, the VXI150 provides 0.5A current carry capability and up to 5 watts dissipation.
Chroma Integration Services
Advanced Power Designs manufactures, designs and supports turnkey power supply test systems configured around Chroma ATE Incorporated family of power supply testing components. These systems are PC based systems configured uniquely to meet each customer's requirements using standard Chroma building blocks and other third party instrumentation as needed.
Software AndSoftware Drivers
Advanced Power Designs is the first to introduce programmable DC power supplies on dual C-Size VXI card formats. Designed specifically for easy integration into new VXI automatic test systems, these state-of-the-art power supplies are fully compliant with all VXI specifications for direct installation into any standard C-Size VXI card cage. They can even be purchased with LABVIEW, LABWINDOWS, CVI or HPVEE Graphical User Interfaces*, and a fully integrated command and control software program written for the National Instruments MXI I/O. protocol.