Intego GmbH
Intego is a medium-sized technology company located in Erlangen. We develop and sell customer-specific camera systems. We are focused on the solar industry, the automotive industry and medical technology.
- 49 9131 61082-0
- 49 9131 61082-999
- Henri-Dunant-Str. 8
D-91058, Erlangen
Solar InspectionSystems
Exact measurements and sorting criteria make it possible to quickly recognize problems in the process quality and to react immediately. This allows increasing the production yield and guaranteeing reproducible quality in the final inspection.With an Intego system, you get an individually designed inspection system, which fits optimally in your specific production process. The modular construction of our systems is based on developed and tested standard components.
Ceramics and Glass Inspection Systems
Due to their special material properties, ceramic and glass components are the basis of many high-tech products. The same properties make the production complex and costly. Substrate defects that lead to failure of finished components should be avoided at all costs. For this reason, early automated optical inspection is essential.For the inspection of sapphire and quartz glass Intego has developed systems to detect both external and internal defects and can also provide cutting suggestions. Using index matching it is possible to test rough or uneven glass profiles.For the inspection of ceramic components Intego offers solutions specifically tailored to the respective testing task. Our modular design uses standard components that have already been developed and tested and in most cases only requires minimal adaptation.
Metal InspectionSystems
Metal surfaces must undergo a reliable inspection, because defects impair the functions of steel tubes or medical engineering products. Relying to the often appearing strong structures of such surfaces, special robust vision techniques are needed to make, for example, geometric measurements. Our systems are prepared to provide a fully automated, 100 % inspection rate in a rough industrial environment.
Electronic Inspection Systems
Intego's knowhow even makes it possible to identify challenging defects that may be located under the surface. One system is the inspection of chips by means of lock-in thermography, which visually represents the IR radiation intensity signal of electronics. Special lasers and flash lamps generate a very short heat impulse (10 ms) on the chip, which generates a measurable heat flow. In most cases, a resolution of < 1 μm can be achieved.
Plastic InspectionSystems
With the plastic inspection systems, you achieve a 100 % inspection rate for your manufactured products, thus ensuring high product quality and lower manufacturing costs. Reacting quickly to faults also reduces the number of rejects. It is possible to provide reliable and objective fault detection that is broken down by the fault types. Because the inspection results are calculated and displayed immediately, they can be used for process control and optimization. Furthermore, a subsequent statistical evaluation of the production process is provided.