Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products
We have proudly supplied world class temperature management solutions to our customers since we first opened our doors in 1940. Our primary focus at this time was manufacturing industrial freezers. The CSZ brand quickly became synonymous with long-lasting, reliable, and high quality products.
- 877-233-9871
513.326.5252 - 513.326.5258
- 12011 Mosteller Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45241-1528
United States
Freezer Rooms
BioStore Freezer Rooms address cold storage concerns of reliably storing material at consistently low temperatures. These Freezer Rooms are designed to replace multiple upright freezers with a large insulated room consisting of individual reach-in freezer compartments that are temperature-controlled and maintained by a central refrigeration system. Ideal for the storage of genetic material (DNA), donor tissues, and allografts for surgical transplantation, these life science cold storage facilities contain individual freezer compartments with temperatures as low as -65C (-85F).
Liquid Baths & Multi-Liquid Baths
Liquid baths temperature condition fluid for immersing products and immediately exposing them to a specific temperature.Multi-liquid baths provide many constant temperature environments in a single unit. The temperature in each bath may be controlled at different temperatures.
Liquid Calibration Baths
Designed for calibration of temperature control devices that contain hazardous or corrosive fluids. Meets Class 1, Division 1 requirements for operation in a hazardous environment. CSZ explosion proof liquid calibration baths are designed to calibrate a large number of temperature sensors which contain a variety of different types of hazardous fluids. The sensors are typically calibrated in the same fluid used in the sensing element of the control devices per specification.
Liquid Thermal Shock Baths
TSB Series
CSZ's Liquid thermal shock chambers consist of separately controlled hot and cold baths. Product is submersed in fluid and thermally stressed between the hot and cold baths, resulting in immediate product temperature changes. CSZ uses perfluorinated fluid that does not coat the product or conduct electricity for use in both the hot and cold baths to eliminate cross contamination and reduce evaporation losses.
Process Gas Condenser/Chiller
Process gas chillers are designed to condense vapors out of a process gas stream so it may be collected and properly disposed.This chiller condenses Styrene (a gas that is regulated by the E.P.A.) out of a process gas stream. The chiller operated continuously at a -25C (-13F) outlet air temperature as long as the process gas stream was flowing.
Remote Conditioners
Our dual-purpose RC-Series Remote Conditioners are designed to either deliver temperature-conditioned air to remote sites or operate as completely independent, self-contained temperature chambers and/or humidity test chambers.
Wire Bend Tester
CSZ chamber is designed for this type of cold bend test. Each chamber is designed to meet the customer's size and temperature requirements. Chambers feature power-driven mandrels that are typically mounted at the top and bottom of the chamber for the wire to wrap and bend around. Mandrel diameters are selected by the customer and supplied in a variety of sizes.
Benchtop Vibration Table
The TCB-1.3 benchtop vibration chamber is ideal for reliability testing of compact products and electronics. It may be used as a stand-alone vibration table for vibration testing or placed inside an environmental chamber for combined random vibration & temperature testing offering flexibility and greater return on investment.
Accelerated Stress Test Chamber
CSZ's accelerated stress test chambers combine mechanical refrigeration; LN2 cooling and high velocity air flow for fast product temperature change rates. Chambers are typically designed with a change rate up to 30C (54F) per minute based upon the part temperature. Common uses are production stress testing circuit boards, electronic drives, assemblies, etc. Design allows the user to quickly control and change the temperature of the product.
Compact Environmental Chambers
MicroClimate 3
The MicroClimate 3 is a compact environmental chamber designed to simulate a full range of temperature and/or humidity conditions. The small footprint of the MicroClimate 3 combined with temperature and humidity capabilities make this chamber the number one choice for testing small components and products. Whether you need to perform temperature cycling tests or expose your product to steady state temperature environments, these chambers will maintain precise and accurate temperature/humidity control throughout your test.
Benchtop Test Chambers
The MicroClimate 1.2 cubic foot benchtop test chamber is capable of simulating a full range of temperature and humidity conditions. This environmental testing chamber is designed to provide users with a compact unit for testing small components and products.
Rapid Decompression Test Chambers
CSZ's rapid decompression test chamber is designed to simulate rapid decompression for testing aircraft avionics. The environmental chamber meets the environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment referenced in the RTCA DO-160 test specification. The DO-160 specification was designed to test sudden pressure changes starting from 8,000 feet to 60,000 feet (536 to 55 Torr) in 15 seconds. An altitude of 8,000 feet (536 Torr) was used for the initial cabin altitude and 60,000 feet was used for the final cabin altitude after decompression. This test specification is used to identify failures of materials inside of the cabin and the reaction to the surrounding environment.
Welded Walk-In Chamber
CSZ''s Welded Walk-In chambers are ideal for applications that require high temperature testing over 93C (200F), high humidity, rapid temperature change rates, or combined environmental testing with altitude simulation. These chambers are constructed as one piece and are welded to form a hermetically sealed unit around a structural steel frame or they can also be built in sections based on move-in restrictions.
Controller Software
EZ-View Software allows users to easily monitor and control their CSZ test chambers from any location. Features include advanced data logging, profile entry, graphs, system security with file encryption, alarm monitoring, and flexible trend. Control & monitor up to 128 devices from a single PC.
Touch Screen Controller
The EZT-570i Touch Screen Controller offers a 7" (18mm) or optional 10" (25 mm) touch screen and the latest in test chamber programming for ease of use . The controller comes standard with data logging, data file access via memory stick or PC, Ethernet control and monitoring, alarm notification via email or phone text message, data file backup, full system security, online help & voice assistance in multiple languages and more.