General-purpose Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis system.
United States
Data Logging
The LogTxt macro can be used together with a timer macro in a loop to produce a data log that consists of a timed series of data samples. Each line in the file can be anything you want, typically a time-stamp (including date, if desired) plus one or more values recorded at that time. The interval between samples can typically be from less than a tenth of a second, up to hours or days... or even longer.
Daqarta v5.10 Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
New Fcal option allows any Windows sound card to measure DC values like temperature or pressure using simple external circuits you can build yourself. Or, measure MHz frequencies with a simple prescaler. DAQARTA v5.10 turns your Windows sound card into a precision laboratory instrument, loaded with advanced features. Put your sound card to work!
Pitch Tracker
The above image shows the Daqarta Pitch Track Toolbox feature as it tracks a whistled version of "Deck The Halls". The approximate locations of the corresponding words are shown at the bottom of the Notes Edit area below the trace.
When the Generator is active, the actual output levels are controlled by the Volume/dB dialog (F9 key, or button on the Generator Control dialog), but the screen display remains full-scale because it shows the digital signal as generated, before conversion to analog and attenuation by the output mixer volume controls. (The digital waveform size is set by the Generator Level controls for the active streams on each channel.)
Spectrogram (Sgram) of spoken "DAQARTA", with approximate location of features shown in the Notes below it. The initial portion of the "DA" is distinguished by the upsweep of the first formant and the downsweep of the second, which then hold steady for the "A" portion of the syllable.
Spectrum Analyzer
The four traces used different windowing and averaging options. They were saved to Juxt Array memory and displayed with no added offset or spacing, to allow direct comparison. The selected trace in the array is shown with full brightness, to indicate that the cursor readouts and labeled Fields refer to this trace only. The other traces have been dimmed with the highlight control. The Juxt Trace Label Field has been set to show the contents of the Field labeled "Average", which is "32TC" for the selected trace.
DC Measurements
Standard Windows sound cards do not respond to DC or frequencies lower than a few Hz. (See Why Sound Cards Block DC Signals below for explanation.)There are two general approaches to get true DC response from a standard sound card: Modify the card, or add an external circuit to convert the DC into an AC signal which can be easily measured by an unmodified card.
LCR Meter
The LCR_Meter mini-app macro included with Daqarta allows measurement of inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R), including Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of capacitors. Optionally, it can also show capacitor Dissipation Factor DF or inductor Q.
The Voltmeter (like the Sound Level Meter and Frequency Counter) can be positioned anywhere on the screen. The size of the display font changes when you resize the meter by dragging its borders. You can fill the screen for a really big readout that can be seen from across the room.
Sound Level Meter
The Sound Level Meter is shown positioned near the top of the main Daqarta window. Like the Voltmeter and Frequency Counter, it can be positioned anywhere on the screen, and the size of the display font changes when you resize the meter by dragging its borders. You can fill the screen for a really big readout that can be seen from across the room.