Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
We develop, produce and sell articles around model railroad and modelbuilding.
- +49 (0) 731-1 84 78-0
- +49 (0) 731-1 84 78-299
- info@esu.eu
- Edisonallee 29
Neu-Ulm, D-89231
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
You want to listen to the sound spectrum of your favourite loco, or the special sound of that loco around the corner in the yard – on your model railroad? No problem with ESU’s LokProgrammer!
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Digital decoders and jewellery have at least on thing incommon: With all the silver – or gold plated rhinestones for sale, it’s not easy for some people to make an informed choice. The sophisticated buyer will go for the real thing, therefore being sure of its lasting value.
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
The ESU SwitchPilot Decoder is especially optimised for the stationary use on your layout. Regardless of what you prefer, the usual twin coil magnetic switches, switching electrical light signals or an ultra-modern servo control: One of the SwichtPilot decoders will "fit".
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Today we would like to present to you a brand new multi-protocol accessory decoder designed for controlling signals. Due to its intelligent software it supports DCC and Motorola®. Flexible programming makes this decoder THE all-rounder amongst accessory decoders. The SignalPilot has 16 outputs for direct connection of micro lamps respectively LEDs installed in daylight signals. Due to the fact that the outputs are designed as push/pull power amplifiers, they are suitable for both – conventional daylight signals with common anode as well as for daylight signals and/or lighting strips with common ground (common cathode), as is the case with some Viessmann® signals. Of course, the SignalPilot decoder can also handle semaphore signals and turnout motors.
Feedback Modules
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Our ECoSDetector feedback modules should be used to automate train operations. Beside the usual track occupancy detection, the train specific identification number can be read. It also enables the implementation of an external track control board.
The Integrator
L.Net converter
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
The great variety of the ESU ECoS command station is so convincing to many model railroaders that they would like to replace their present digital station with an ECoS. This also has been inspiring the desire to continue to use the existing handheld throttles and feedback modules. The ECoSniffer input offered at least a solution for handheld throttles (in combination with „older"digital command stations), whereas the feedback modules couldn’t be integrated into the system.
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
With the LokSound family decoders we offer all model railroaders who want the utmost of authenticity on their layout, a real highlight. With LokSound , the excellent features of ESU-decoders are even more enhanced by the addition of sound functions. Its sounds simple, but “wow”: In the future, your locos not only run like the prototype, they sound exactly like it! That’s made possible through our award-winning LokSound technology- the reference for good sound on the layout since its introduction in 1999. By the inventor. By ESU. LokSound decoders are available for various applications, depending on gauge or digital system.
Decoder Tester
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Decoder tester for decoders, plug in for NEM652, NEM651, 21MTC, single wire, motor, LED monitor and 20mm speaker. It´s so easy to handle and knows all kind of interfaces.