Spirent Federal Systems
Spirent specializes in GPS and GNSS test technology and serves the needs of our customers with market-leading test solutions. Our GPS test systems support encrypted military codes, interference/jamming and spoofing simulation, inertial navigation systems, high dynamic applications, CRPA & anechoic chamber testing, and high dynamic testing.
801-785-1448 - 801-785-1294
- info@spirentfederal.com
- 1402 W. State Rd.
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
United States
High Bit-depth RF Record & Playback System
The Spirent GSS6450 offers the flexibility, control and high dynamic range required to test the most challenging applications.
Multi-GNSS RF Simulation System
The Spirent GSS6300M is the ideal platform for entry-level and low-cost test requirements. Capable of generating signals from multiple GNSS coherently, the GSS6300M is a valuable tool in development and production test environments.
RF Constellation Simulator
The GSS9000 Series multi-frequency, multi-GNSS RF constellation simulator is the most powerful simulation system available.
Capture & Replay Of I/Q Data Files
Generate RF from I/Q files & accelerate product development. SimIQ enables Spirent’s GSS9000 and GSS7000 Series simulators to capture, replay and share I/Q data files without the need for additional hardware. This capability opens up opportunities for testing receiver algorithms earlier in the development cycle, saving time and money while delivering greater collaborative processes to global teams through simple sharing and consistent playback.
Authorized GPS AES M-Code Testing
Validate M-Code functions via AES M-code protocols for high fidelity secure testing. In order to facilitate greater accuracy and robustness than available in civilian GNSS, the US government has long provided secure signals for authorized users. M-Code is the latest iteration of this process, providing an encrypted and standalone service (unlike the P(Y)-Code). Spirent’s SimMCODE enables authorized users to thoroughly test Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) in repeatable, lab-based environments, using the commercial encryption algorithm, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
CRPA Test System
The Spirent CRPA Test System is a development of Spirent’s GSS9000 Series platform for testing Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) systems with a separate RF output per antenna element. The CRPA Test System generates both GNSS and interference signals. Users can control multiple antenna elements. Null-steering and space/time adaptive CRPA testing are both supported by this comprehensive wavefront approach.
Concurrent Alternative RF & GNSS Signal Simulation
SimAltNav Replay
Non-GNSS sources of RF (radio frequency) are of interest in GPS-degraded or contested signal environments, with interest focused on LEO (low earth orbit) constellations. These systems offer high receiver signal power (relative to GNSS) and a secure & resilient link to augment GNSS.
Inertial And Integrated GPS/Inertial (IGI) Sensor Testing
Overcoming PNT/GNSS positioning challenges with precision inertial sensor emulation, for powerful IGI testing. Integrating inertial sensors is an effective way to overcome the weaknesses of GNSS positioning systems. However, it also adds a set of challenges to the development process. Once inertial sensors have been verified, it is necessary to test the complementary positioning systems alongside each other.
Interference Simulation System
Combined with Spirent’s powerful GSS7000 or GSS9000 Series simulators, the GSS7765 interference generator creates the ultimate tool for testing against external jamming and unintentional interference. The GSS7765 enables you to create and generate custom waveforms, helping you to defend your systems against real-world threats.
GNSS Signal Generation System
The Spirent GSS6300 has been specifically designed to facilitate high-volume production testing for GNSS-enabled applications. Capable of generating a single channel of multiple GNSS in the L1 band individually or concurrently, the GSS6300 offers the fidelity and reliability needed for final functional testing of high-value critical systems.
Multi-Output, Multi-GNSS Wavefront Simulator System
The GSS9790 is a development of Spirent’s GSS9000 Series platform for testing Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) systems, spatial testing of single-antenna devices, and as part of real-world-time-synchronized indoor GNSS implementations.
MEMS Sensor Simulation
Performance testing of sensor fusion in MEMS inertial and multi-GNSS navigation systems. SimSENSOR extends the capabilities of Spirent’s multi-GNSS simulators by simulating MEMS sensor outputs on a common trajectory with the simulated GNSS RF signals. The simulated MEMSs sensor outputs include user control of representative noise and errors (bias/drift).
Multi-frequency, Multi-GNSS Simulator
The GSS7000 offers exceptional accuracy, fidelity and authentic GNSS signal emulation, ensuring true performance at every test stage. Advance features include embedded multipath, interference, and spoofing capabilities that deliver comprehensive vulnerabilities testing.
Modernized Navstar Security Algorithm (MNSA) M-code Testing
The M-code signal is part of the security architecture that all new Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) has been required to use since 2017. Until recently, testing with non-classified AES-encryption and replay of M-code Satellite Data Sets (SDS) have been the only methods authorized for GPS M-code receiver testing using a constellation simulator.
Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module (SAASM) Test Platform
Comprehensive testing of SAASM for classified military applications. Military GPS receivers can use a Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) to enable decryption of precise positioning data. Selective Availability (SA) refers to a discontinued practice by the U.S. government to degrade the civil signal to prevent full accuracy. Since May 1, 2000, Selective Availability has not been operational.