Terotest Systems Ltd.
Established in 1982, Terotest continue to provide totally integrated test solutions using proven, 'off the shelf' Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), customised to suit your needs.
- +44 (0) 1462 742499
- +44 (0) 1462 742497
- info@terotest.com
- Eastgate House
Station Road
Ashwell, Hertfordshire SG7 5LG
United Kingdom
Field Test Set
The MTS-207 is a state-of-the-art portable PXI platform for field testing and data acquisition systems. Its proven architecture has been deployed worldwide on multiple programs including the MTS-206 Maverick Missile system flight line tester. The MTS-209 Common Armament Test Set, the AN/TSM-205B Hellfire System test Set, and many more. It combines the capabilities of the versatile and powerful PXI architecture in a compact, ultra-rugged, flight-line qualified enclosure. The MTS-207 is ideal for test and data acquisition applications requiring operation under harsh environmental conditions including flight-line, back-shop, or airborne applications.
PXI Switching Instrumentation
3U and 6U PXI switching cards including matrix, multiplexer, and RF multiplexer configurations. All Marvin Test Solutions switch cards feature easy to use, reliable, and integration friendly, D-sub style interface connectors, a feature unique to Marvin Test Solutions PXI switching cards.
PXI Stimuli Instrumentation
PXI Arbitrary Waveform and Programmable Function Generators as well as DC source cards and a precision standards module.
PXI Measurement Instrumentation
Measurement instrumentation includes counter / timers, DMMs, digitizers, and RF power analyzers. These products are offered in PXI, PCI and ISA bus formats.
Backplane & Cable Test
Backplane and cable test systems from Terotest include LINX, a fixtureless test system. Each LINX test card plugs directly into the unit under test, which removes the necessity for long test cables and fixtures. This is called distributed testing and results in dramatically lowered costs. LINX is extremely easy to use, with a self-learn function or input from CAD.
PXI Bus Interfaces
PXI Bus Expanders and PXI Interface Cards for both PXI and PXI Express interfaces.
Flying Probe Test Systems
Flying probe testers work by In-circuit testing the board via a number of moving test probes. They have the advantage over traditional In-circuit testers of not requiring a dedicated "bed of nails" test fixture thus reducing the price for each different board being tested. However, modern Flying Prober testers offer so much more than just In-circuit testing. They enable the user to combine In-circuit, AOI, Functional, Device Programming and Boundary Scan testing, in one test system.
PXI FPGA Instrumentation
User programmable 3U PXI FPGA cards for digital and mixed signal applications. Utilizing Altera FPGAs and incorporating a base board / expansion board architecture, our FPGA products offer users the flexibility to create high performance, customized digital and mixed signal instrumentation for specific applications without requiring the use of external interface cards.
PXI Digital I/O Instrumentation
High-speed and static 3U and 6U PXI and PCI digital I/O instrumentation. Offering test rates to 200 MHz and programmable logic levels of -10 V to +15 V, our digital products feature the highest performance and most cost effective digital test solutions in the industry.
Test Services
From Test Consultancy for new projects, to fixture program development, Terotest offer their experience and support to help you every step of the way. Terotest also offer a range of services to the existing ATE User including calibration and System Service options.
In-Circuit Test
In-circuit test works by checking all components are fitted correctly to the PCB and are within the correct electrical tolerance. In-circuit testers do this by interfacing to the board via a "bed of nails test fixture" and programs can be generated via CAD data. They offer a quick and easy method of checking the manufacture of the board and also offer a reliable and simple fault report.
Functional Test
Functional test systems offer users the ability to test boards in a real world environment, checking that they function as designed by stimulating inputs and monitoring outputs. Often whole suites of boards have similar functions and this is where a generic functional tester offers large benefits over more bespoke solutions.
Low Cost / Used Test Systems
For the last 30 years, Terotest has offered a range of used and refurbished ATE Systems, along with all associated spares at very competitive prices. From completely configured systems to the smallest replacement parts Terotest holds a comprehensive range for some of the largest ATE manufactures in the world. See below for more details.
Obsolete ATE, Replacement Systems
No one likes saying goodbye to a faithful old friend but now that the economy is on the up, has the time finally come to replace your ageing Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) or Special to Type test system?
PXI Hardware
PXI is now the primary format for ATE Self Integrators. Terotest offer a complete range of PXI equipment that is designed to work together and has full software support for all its PXI modules and drivers.