PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
A manufacturer of piezoelectric quartz sensors, accelerometers, and associated electronics for the measurement of dynamic pressure, force, and vibration.
- 800-828-8840
716-684-0001 - 716-684-0987
- info@pcb.com
- 3425 Walden Avenue
Depew, NY 14043-2495
United States
Conformal Ballistic Pressure Sensor
Model: 117B67
Conformal ballistics pressure sensor, 22 WMRF, 22 WRF, 22 WRF WITH 0.50" Centerline, 17 RF Mag, 17 HMRConformal ballistics pressure sensor for 17 HMR, 17 Magnum RF, 17 RF Magnum, 22 WMRF, 22 WRF, and 22 WRF with 0.50" centerline caliber cartridges.
Conformal Ballistic Pressure Sensor
Model: 117B44
Conformal ballistics pressure sensor, 243 Win, 260 Rem, 30-07, 308 Win (7.62 x 51 NATO), 338 Federal, 358 Win, 375 JDJ, 38-40 Winc, 44 S & W Special, 444 Marlin, 7.5 x 54Conformal ballistics pressure sensor for 243 Winchester, 260 Remington, 30-07, 308 Winchester (7.62 x 51), 338 Federal, 358 Winchester, 375 JDJ, 38-40 Winchester, 44 Smith & Wesson Special, 444 Marlin, 7.5 x 54 MAS, and 7 mm -08 Remington caliber cartridges.
Conformal Ballistic Pressure Sensor
Model: 117B31
Conformal ballistics pressure sensor, 25-06 Rem, 270 Win, 280 Rem (7 mm Rem Exp), 30-06, 30-06 Springfield, 338-06 A-square, 35 Whelen, and 405 Win caliber cartridgesConformal ballistics pressure sensor for 25-06 Remington, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington (7 mm Remington Exp), 30-06, 30-06 Springfield, 338-06 A-square, 35 Whelen, and 405 Winchester caliber cartridges.
ICP Blast Pressure Pencil Probe
Model: 137B21B
Quartz, free-field, ICP blast pressure pencil probe, 1000 psi, 1 mV/psi, BNC connector
ICP Electret Array Microphone
Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/4" Frequency Response Characteristic (at 0 incidence)Free-FieldInherent Noise (A Weighted)<30 dB(A) re 20 Pa<30 dB(A) re 20 Pa Dynamic Range (High)150Environmental Temperature Range ( Temperature Effect on Output (-10 to +50 C)<0.7 dB<0.7 dB[2] Influence of Axial Vibration Excitation Voltage 18 to 30 VDC18 to 30 VDC
ICP Electret Surface Microphone
Low-profile surface pressure microphone and preamp, prepolarized
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
Microphone Preamplifier
1/2-inch ICP preamplifier with gain and filter switches (for prepolarized microphones)ICP(R) low noise preamplifier with gain, filters, and TEDS
Microphone Preamplifier
Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2 Gain -0.05 dBFrequency Response (0.1 dB) (re 1 kHz)6.3 to 125000 HzFrequency Response (-3 dB) (re1 kHz) Phase Linearity (<1 )32 to 20000 Electrical Noise (A-weight)<2.8 V<2.8 V[1] Output Slew Rate 2 V/S[2]
Microphone Preamplifier
Performance: Nominal Microphone Diameter:1/4"Frequency Response: (0.1 dB) (re 1 kHz)5 to 126000 Hz5 to 126000 Hz Frequency Response
Microphone Preamplifier
Performance:Nominal Microphone Diameter:1/4" Frequency Response:3.98 to 126000 Hz3.98 to 126000 10.0 to 126000 Hz10.0 to 126000 HzElectrical Noise (A-weight)3.8 TEDS CompliantYes
Microphone Preamplifier
Nominal Microphone Diameter1/2Frequency Response Electrical Noise(at 22 C) (Flat 20 Hz to 20 kHz)Distortion (3 V rms input at 1 kHz)<-70 dB<-70 dB[1] EnvironmentalTemperature Range (Operating)-40 to +248 FExcitation Voltage 20 to 32 Constant Current Excitation 2 to 10 mA
Microphone Preamplifier
1/2-inch preamplifier with 7-pin LEMO connector (for externally polarized microphones)