W-IE-NE-R, Plein & Baus GmbH
W-IE-NE-R crates and power supplies are known to provide the highest possible power output combined with lowest noise and are built with highest quality. Featuring modular construction and incorporating a unique level of local and remote diagnostic and control tools, W-IE-NE-R products are state of the art and often are used as design reference. All our products meet the requirements of the leading research centers around the world. We produce in accordance with ISO-Quality standards and CE rules.
- 49 2174 678 0
- +49 2174 678 34
- sales@wiener-d.com
- Linde 18
Burscheid, D - 51399
Compact Designed Chassis
CAMAC Mini Crate Series
The WIENER CAMAC mini crate is the perfect choice for small setups with only a few CAMAC modules. The crate offers 11 CAMAC slots in a compact designed chassis with integrated low noise power supply and cooling fan. The mini crate can be used on the desk either as a desktop or up-right unit or be installed in a 19” rack.
Customer Spec. Power Supplies
WIENER has a strong expertise and experience in the design and production of customer specific low voltage power supplies for science and industry.
High Efficiency / Medium Power
WIENER VPX power supplies are commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), conduction cooled single stage converters according to the ANSI/VITA 62.0 specification. They can be used to power a VPX chassis and will fit into the standard envelope defined by VITA 48.0 specifications.
MARATON Hazardous HE
MARATON is a family of MAgnetic field and RAdiation TOleraNt power supplies developed for CERN LHC. MARATON HHE is the 12 channel version for use in a hazardous hostile environment. Magnetic field tolerance is achieved by water cooling (up to 300G) and shielded components (up to 1200G). For radiation hardness (<30Gy) a quasi-redundant principle of power conversion is combined with special components. Further radiation sensible components are placed at remote locations.
MARATON is a family of MAgnetic field and RAdiation TOleraNt power supplies developed for CERN LHC. MARATON MHE represents a 12 channel low-voltage power supply for installation in a moderate hostile environment with integrated CANbus remote monitoring and control interface. Voltages, currents, temperatures and output power are controlled by the internal processor and illegal modes as well as failure will be detected.
Modular Designed CAMAC
WIENER offers a line of modular designed CAMAC crates compliant with ESONE and CERN standards. This CAMAC crates series is configured with 600W … 650W linear regulated, low noise plug-in power supplies.
Modular Designed CAMAC
WIENER provides a line of modular designed CAMAC crates compliant with ESONE and CERN standards. These CERN spec. CAMAC crates are configurable with linear regulated, low noise plug-in power supplies in the 300W ... 600W DC power range or up to 1900W with PS236 low-noise switching power supplies.
Modular Designed CAMAC
WIENER offers a line of modular designed CAMAC crates compliant with ESONE and CERN standards. This CAMAC crates series is configured with 300W linear regulated, low noise plug-in power supplies.
MPOD Mix Crate
Mpod EC and LX models can be customized to integrate a Wiener or a custom 3U to 6U bus backplane (VME, VME64x, cPCI, …). All voltages required from the backplane specifications are provided. When no rear transition modules are needed, these compact solutions allow saving money and space by reducing the number of needed crates, i.e. combining power supply with DAQ.
MTCA 4.0 1000W PS
The WIENER MTCA.4 is a low noise and ripple / high power density power supply in a double height / double width form factor. Designed according to the PICMIC MTCA-4 standard it provides 1000W for 12V payload power as well as 3.3V management power.
Multi Functional VME Logic Module
The MDGG-8 is a single wide 6U VME multi functional FPGA based delay logic and timing module which provides often needed functions as gate, delay & pulse generator, logic fan in – fan out, coincidence register and scaler / pre-scaler.
Multi Functional VME Logic Module
The MDGG-16 is a single wide 6U VME multi functional FPGA based delay logic and timing module which provides often needed functions as gate generator & pulse generator, logic fan in - fan out, coincidence register and scaler / pre-scaler. The module has 16 LVDS/ECL inputs and 16 ECL outputs on pin headers and 2 NIM inputs as well as 4 NIM outputs (Lemo), which are free configurable in regards to their functionality.
NIM and CAMAC Power Supplies
NIM and CAMAC crates require very clean and stable DC supplies with the standard voltages +24V / -24V, +12V / -12V and +6V / -6V. Consequently CERN defined compatible power supplies for both standards within their NIM and CAMAC specs., i.e. CERN spec. power supplies can be used on both types of crates. All "CE" version power supplies are outfitted wth separate AC wiring to comply with CE/UL safety standards.
NIM and CAMAC Power Supply
UEP 15
The UEP 15 is a plug in power supply for use in UEN 04 bin or for powering every non-powered extant NIM bin. The UEP 15 features all 6 voltages, stabilized by adjustable monolithic voltage regulators. Outputs are ported using a rear mounted NIM connector with a standard NIM pin out.
NIM Mechanics
NIM cassettes with mounting blocks for printed circuit boards and optional NIM connectors.