Eurotech Inc
Eurotech Inc. design, and manufacture a range of cost effective innovative embedded single board computers, application ready platforms and configurable systems for customers within the digital signage, multimedia, communications, wireless, medical, point of sale and industrial engineering industries.
- 800.541.2003
301.490.4007 - 301.490.4582
- 10260 Old Columbia Road
Columbia, MD 21046
United States
CompactPCI Boards
*CompactPCI (cPCI) boards are 3U or 6U boards connected via a passive PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect). Up to 8 boards can be connected together in a segment. Segments can be connected through bridges. *They are grouped into four categories: CPU, Communication, Input/Output, PMC carrier.
M2M Platform
ESF- Everyware™ Software Framework
is an inclusive and targeted Java OSGi software framework for M2M multiservice gateways, smart devices and IoT applications.
Single Board Computers
*This section contains a wide range of Single Board Computers (SBC) available in many form factors: EPIC, EBX, and much more. *These embedded Single Board Computers come in standard form factors in compact sizes with rich I/O, high flexibility, easy expansion capabilities and extended temperature options.
M2M Platform
EC- Everyware Cloud
The Everyware Cloud from Eurotech is a Machine-to-Machine Integration IoT Platform that simplifies device and data management by connecting distributed devices over secure and reliable cloud services. Once devices are deployed, the Everyware Cloud allows users to connect, configure and manage devices through the lifecycle, from deployment through maintenance to retirement.
COM Express Boards
COM Express is a highly integrated Computer On Module. It can be considered as a component (integrated circuit) in more complex designs.
Environmental Monitoring Systems
Eurotech environmental monitoring systems are designed to provide a scalable, efficient and compact solution that integrates multiple sensors in a single, easy to deploy unit. These compact, easy to install environment monitor systems collect and analyze air quality parameters, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation levels and sound pollution.