DYNOmite Dynamometer
Land & Sea, Inc. is one of the world's fastest growing engine and chassis dynamometer manufactures. The company holds patents on numerous dynamometer and related industry award-winning products.
- 1-866-396-6648
1-603-226-3966 - 1-603-226-4329
- sales@land-and-sea.com
- 25 Henniker St
Concord, NH 03301-8528
United States
Dynamometer Control, Data-Acquisition, and Analysis Software
Only DYNO-MAX puts this advanced, full-function engine dynamometer lab console onto your Windows-equipped PC or laptop. It features on-screen analog and digital gauges, real-time graphical displays, and supports complete engine and cell-control options
PWC Dynamometers
Mount the DYNOmite absorber (and appropriate pump adapter) in place of the boat's standard nozzle and cone. Each pump adapter (sold separately) incorporates a shaft, driven by the impeller (without impeller removal). A load control valve (fed from your " garden hose) allows you to regulate RPM by varying absorber drag (while holding the throttle open). You can simulate running at any MPH from idle to top end. The DYNOmite's computer captures the engine's RPM from an (integral absorber mounted) magnetic RPM pickup. Torque readings come directly from a full-bridge (temperature- compensated) torque arm. Results are never estimated from vague hydraulic-pump pressures.
Tractor PTO Dynamometers
All feature sophisticated data-acquisition electronics and powerful software packages at a price/performance ratio formerly unheard of for a professional PTO dyno.
Truck Chassis Dynamometer
Truck chassis kit includes: heavy-duty tube-steel frame and 30"-diameter "dually" wide-roll assembly with machined-in "traction grooves," air brakes, diamond-tread deck plate, floor anchors, wheel chocks, vehicle tie downs, eddy-current absorber and controller with overdrive, S-beam load cell, DYNOmite-Pro data-acquisition computer, inductive RPM pickup, DYNO-MAX software, electronic auto-load control, 28-channel data harness, engine-temperature thermistor, and more.
Rotary-Torque Transducers
Standard on-board kits include: wireless electronic torque transducer-equipped driveshaft yoke, tail-shaft pickup coil, wireless interface module, DYNOmite handheld data-acquisition computer, AC power supply, data wiring harness, and protective carrying case.
Data-Acquisition Computer
DYNOmite data-acquisition computer with from 3 to over 112 channels (with or without optional LCD display and pushbutton handheld interface), full-bridge strain- gauge-equipped electronic load cell torque transducer, AC power supply/recharger, data wiring harness, engine-temperature thermistor, and protective carrying case.
Small Engine Dynamometers
Toroidal-flow water-brake absorber (with 5" high-RPM rotor), electronic torque-arm transducer, engine load control, DYNOmite handheld data-acquisition computer, AC power supply, stainless-braided hoses, magnetic RPM sensor, data wiring harness, and protective carrying case.
Snowmobile Dynamometer
Standard dyno kit includes: 9" toroidal-flow water-brake absorber, electronic torque-arm transducer, engine load control, DYNOmite handheld data-acquisition computer with backlit LCD and keypad interface option, AC power supply, stainless-braided hoses, puller bolt, data wiring harness, and protective carrying case.
Motorcycle and ATV Dynamometers
Wide medium inertia roll assembly with our machined-in "traction grooves," quick-adjust wheelbase front mount, dual roll-on ramps, tie downs, casters, roller guards, eddy-current absorber (with a step-up drive), full-bridge torque arm transducer, electronic auto-load control, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, DYNO-MAX software, inductive RPM pickup, AC power supply, and data wiring harness.
Diesel Dynamometers
Heavy-duty toroidal water-brake or large eddy-current absorber, S-beam electronic torque transducer, high-flow manual (or optional electronic) engine load control, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, rigid-frame engine test stand, wall (or stand) mounted control console, absorber to engine-block mounting adapter, heavy-duty input shaft, calibration arm, stainless-braided hoses, and full-function data wiring harness.