Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Elementar Analysensysteme is the world's leading German manufacturer of analytical instruments for non-metallic elements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur or chlorine in all organic and the majority of inorganic substances.
- + (49) 6184 93 93 0
- + (49) 6184 93 93 400
- info@elementar.de
- Elementar-Straße 1
Langenselbold, 63505
Elemental Analyzers for IRMS
EA Inlets
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The combination of elemental analysis (EA) with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has allowed the explosion of stable isotope analysis across a broad range of application areas. This diversity in application areas means that our customers often have different demands of their EA-IRMS solutions and so we offer a range of elemental analysers for coupling to IRMS products.
Highest Precision Pure Gas Analyzer
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Dual inlet technology is the most precise, accurate and sensitive technique for carbonate and water analysis. Because of this, the iso DUAL INLET has a unique role in the paleoclimate applications where instrumental precision contributes directly to the precision of paleoclimate models. Whilst the world's climate continues to behave erratically, we must know what has happened in Earth's history before we can attempt to predict what will happen in the future. To elucidate this complicated story, the iso DUAL INLET is a valuable tool for paleoclimatologists to build a detailed picture of the past to better inform policy makers who might just be able to influence the future of our planet.
High Performance Isotope analysis of LC Separated Compounds
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Unlike the existing LC-inlet solution via chemical oxidation, the iso CHROM LC works with high-temperature combustion. It quantitatively converts organic carbon to CO2.In addition, the easy-to-use iso CHROM LC shows outstanding precision, accuracy, and linearity without significant peak broadening that can diminish the chromatographic performance. In continuous operation, virtually all peaks in a chromatogram can be analyzed for the stable isotope ratios of carbon.
Organic Elemental Analysis
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are the basic elements of living nature. Their quantitative determination in the most versatile combinations of substances, the elemental analysis, is the origin and essence of the Elementar product portfolio.
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The most advanced software ever created for the stable isotope community, the IonOS® has been designed uniquely for stable isotope analysis and aims to save analysts time and money while at the same time facilitating consistent data generation. It provides exceptional automation and sophistication for GC and EA data processing. ArDB analytics software extends the envelope of data analysis beyond simply data processing. Perhaps more so than any other analytical technique, stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry is about comparison. Comparisons of one stable isotope to another; comparisons of a sample to a standard, and comparison of unknown samples to known samples within a database. With ArDB, we provide powerful new stable isotope data analytics tools.
Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
isoprime precisION (IRMS)
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Stable isotope analysis provides great insight into diverse applications and delivers a greater understanding of the micro and macro cycling mechanisms of the organic elements through the world around us. Though our collective knowledge continues to grow, so does our desire to explore further. The more we know, the more we question.
The Most Versatile Stable Isotope Sample Handling Platform Ever Created
iso FLOW
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The iso FLOW is the first complete platform solution for the analysis of trace and pure components of simple gases derived from air, carbonates, water, and life. Driven by a new concept in separation science, the UltiTrapTM permits cryogen-free concentration prior to dynamic chromatographic separation.
isoprime visION Solutions
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Simplicity is what isoprime visION is about. Creating something simple seems, well, simple. In fact, simplicity can only be achieved once the fundamental requirements of our customers are understood. With this clarity, isoprime visION offers a completely new experience of stable isotope analysis. An experience where the user is free from the routine chores of maintenance allowing them to focus on the science, not the instrumentation. isoprime visION forms the core of our dedicated solutions across a range of applications. These solutions are pre-configured, complete configurations delivering everything that you need to generate exceptional research in your area of study.
Chromatography Inlets
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Compound specific isotope analysis provides a deep level insight into many geochemical and forensic applications and is considered to be a crucial technique for many laboratories. The GC5 offers exceptional sensitivity for low concentration analytes whilst maintaining chromatographic integrity of sample peaks during compound conversion. As a VAR partner of Agilent Technologies, the GC5 system takes full advantage of the market leading Agilent 7890B GC system to create the highest performance GC-IRMS system for your research.
High Performance Carbon Isotope Analysis of LC Separated Compounds
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Compound specific isotope analysis of aqueous samples by LC is highly advantageous for those compound classes which are thermolabile or require derivitisation prior to GC analysis. Samples such as carbohydrates, amino acids, alcohols, organic acids and peptides make ideal candidates for LC-IRMS and the technique has been employed to great success in food and biogeochemistry applications. The LiquiFace works as an interface for the LC system to provide quantitative on-line conversion of organic carbon to CO2 prior to analysis by the IRMS system. Isotopic precision, accuracy and linearity is exceptional due to the highly efficient quantitative conversion of the organic carbon to CO2. This level of performance means that the LiquiFace is able to cover a range of sample types with a complete independence upon sample concentration, making the analysts life even simpler.
Inorganic Elemental Analysis
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The elemental composition of a material determines its properties. Elemental analysis is therefore essential for the characterization and quality control of materials that need to meet certain requirements.Elementar's user-friendly inductar® series for inorganic elmental analysis uses the high-temperature combustion method to determine elemental concentrations of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen and is the ideal solution for R&D, routine, and high-throughput laboratories.
N/Protein Analysis
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
The determination of the total protein content is an essential tool for quality control and protein declaration according to international labeling laws in the food & feed industry and research facilities. Since the protein content can directly correspond to product properties, highly precise, matrix-independent protein analyses are required in all application areas.Our N/protein analyzers use the high-temperature combustion method according to Dumas, which has clear advantages over Kjeldahl regarding laboratory safety, sample throughput, labor time, amount of chemical waste and thus cost-per-analysis. Our analyzers for the determination of nitrogen and protein are dedicated instruments serving today’s customer needs in regards to price-per-sample, throughput and sensitivity.