GF Instruments, s.r.o.
Development, manufacturing, sale and rental of measuring instruments for geophysical, geological, environmental and laboratory use including gamma-ray spectrometers and dose rate meters, DC resistivity systems, electromagnetic conductivity meters, magnetic susceptibility meters, metal detectors, laboratory instruments and special equipment based on above mentioned methods designed to the user’s request.
- +420 549 522 916
- +420 549 522 915
- Jecná 29a
621 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Geoelectric Power Sounder
Geoelectric Power Sounder GEPS-2000 is a device for data acquisition and interpretation of deep VES (vertical electrical sounding) as well as for 8 channel profiling (resistivity and IP sections). It can be used for measurements up to 1000 – 2000 m depth allowing both high voltage and high current injection of transmitter current according to real measuring conditions.
1024-Channel Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Gamma Surveyor II
represents super compact 1024-channel geophysical spectrometer for all kinds of radiation measurements like field, borehole, carborne and submarine survey, laboratory assays and industrial monitoring. Due to long experience in gamma-ray analyzers and continuous scientific and technical development GF Instruments offers unique efficient technique of spectral evaluation with fast energy stabilization working sensitively and reliably in wide range of gamma dose rates.
Geophysical Services
GF Instruments provides methodical research, near-surface measurements, consulting and services in: engineering-geological surveys (for civil engineering, dams and dikes monitoring, utility mapping, landslides). environmental monitoring and mapping (waste sites, leakages, pollution plumes). UXO surveys. hydrogeological surveys (ground water explorations and protection).
Electromagnetic Conductivity Meter
CMD-DUO electromagnetic conductivity meter completes our family of advanced digital conductivity meters with the instrument for deep surveys. Easy operated set with variable dipole distance allows multidepth field survey with results suitable both for apparent conductivity and model sections (inversion by IX1D). geological survey, water management (searching for potable water sources, groundwater protection, ground contamination monitoring), raw material prospecting, investigation of underground objects.
SGR Scintillation Gamma Radiameter
SGR scintillation gamma radiameter serves for fast and sensitive indication of gamma-ray sources. SGR covers two basic ranges of measurements:quick and selective searching for radioactive sources with fast response, acoustic signalization and histogram of 64 measured values radiometric measurements (dose rate) with the support of point and continuous measurements.
Resistivity and IP Imaging System
ARES represents a well equipped resistivity and IP imaging system. Groundwater explorations, geotechnical investigations, monitoring of dams and dikes, environmental studies, pollution plumes mapping, geological surveys, mineral prospecting, archaeology, detecting of cavities, underwater, marine, borehole and cross-hole measurements.
Magnetic Susceptibility Meter for Multi-Layer Survey
Multi Kappa instrument serves for fast field survey allowing both spot measurement and mapping by means of several probes. Together with GF Instruments traditional pocket magnetic susceptibility meters cover wide range of demands for accurate susceptibility measurement on ground surface, outcrops and samples of rock and soil. geological survey, archaeology, agriculture and forestry, raw material prospecting, mineralogy, sedimentology, detection of metallic objects, UXO survey.
Magnetic Susceptibility Meter
The SM-20 magnetic susceptibility meter is very useful tool for a number of geological and geophysical applications where the unique sensitivity of 10-6 SI units together with its small, shirt-pocket size and low weight are appreciated.