We are a leading company that designs, manufactures and market a range of electronic products and solutions for electrical testing, mainly in protection relay field and in general, tests and measurement equipment related to the commissioning and maintenance in substations, power plants and energy systems.
- (34) 918498980
- (34) 918512553
- Calle Buril, 69
Polígono Industrial P-29
Collado Villalba, Madrid 28400
Relay Tester
The reversible 100-VA amplifier can inject up to 50A or 150V with outstanding stability, free of distortions and completely isolated from the power supply. The waveform is synthetized electronically and can generate harmonics from 1st to 7th of the supply’s frequency. Various output ranges are available to maintain the 100VA power throughout the entire settings scale. The system features automatic protections against overload and overheating.
Three-Phase Relay Tester
The equipment comprises of three independent output channels that can be selected as current or voltage. This enables the unit to be used as a complete single-phase equipment (voltage, current, and phase angle between them) or, with channels synchronised, as a three phase current or three phase voltage generator from a single phase mains input.
Relay Testing Voltage Source
It is the easiest and most economical way of increasing the relay types that can be tested with the PTE-100-C. The PTE-FCL upgrades the PTE-100-C to the PTE-100-C Plus model.
MCB Test Option, Monitor Voltage Adapter
The PTE-FCB / PTE-FCD can be used to effectively reduce the sensitivity of the monitor input. The monitor input detects the relay’s operation and stops (or starts) the chronometer when testing with the PTE-100-C, PTE-50-CE, PTE-50-CET, and all LETs excluding the LET-400 (which lacks a chronometer).
Portable Gas Analyzer
SF6 6100
Ideal for field-based gas analysis, the lightweight and portable SMC SF6 6100 provides exceptionally stable and accurate SF6 readings over a short measurement time.The analyzer is fitted with the unique Rapid system to accelerate the time taken for the dew point sensor to dry. This enables the user to achieve reliable readings rapidly in-between gas sampling operations, especially if used within a humid environment.
TriRaptor Three-phase High Current Injection
The TriRaptor is the only really portable three-phase injector in the market providing stabilized current in the range of 3000 A and beyond. It has been designed with the same ergonomics and performance characteristics found in the popular Raptor system, so it is really easy to use and can be transported by a single person in a regular vehicle.
Testing Software
SMC supplies as standard several types of software adapted to each set, for automatic testing, unit operation and reports or results acquisition, which allows the full functionality of the equipment; the following programs are included with the corresponding equipment:
Secondary Injection Test Set
The PTE-100-C is a portable Universal test equipment for testing electromechanical, electronic, and digital relays. The equipment can output a variable current up to 250A, a variable AC Voltage up to 250V, a variable DC Voltage up to 350V. Also the unit incorporates a variable stabilized auxiliary DC Voltage supply up to 250V and a fixed AC Voltage output up to 110V, which can be variable with the PTE-FCF option.
Universal Three-phase Protective Relay Test Set
The Mentor 12 is the most advanced three-phase relay test set available for type and field testing of electromechanical and digital protections of any kind, in traditional or IEC-61850 based substations.
Relay Testing System
With high power outputs package in an extremely compact and rugged system, the UNO has a tremendous power-to-weight ratio. The design incorporates the latest in modern digital microprocessor technology to achieve unbeatable output characteristics in terms of power, accuracy, low distortion, and dynamic capability. This hi-tech solution enables the testing of many different functions required in relay testing without the need of additional accessories.
GOOSEMeter One IEC 61850 Message Monitor
The GOOSEMeter One is an easy to use, hand held instrument that will instantaneously display the ongoing GOOSE traffic when plugged into an IEC-61850 substation’s control bus LAN
Three-Phase Relay Tester
The equipment compromises of three independent output channels than can be selected as voltage or current. This enables the unit to be used as a complete single-phase equipment (Voltage, Current, and phase angle between them), or with channels synchronized, as a three phase voltage or three phase current generator from a single phase mains input. The unit is extremely compact and rugged. The design incorporates the latest in modern digital microprocessor technology to achieve unbeatable output characteristics in terms of power, accuracy, low distortion, and dynamic capability.
Primary Test Equipment
It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section in a substation.
Primary Test Equipment
It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section in a substation.
Primary Test Equipment
It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section in a substation.