Candela Technologies Inc.
Makers of LANforge FIRE VOIP/RTP Call Generator with PESQ Voice Quality Analysis and LANforge ICE Network Emulator.
- 360 380 1618
- 360 380 1431
- 2026 Main Street Suite 201
P.O. Box 3285
Ferndale, WA 98248
United States
Mobile Wireless Network Emulator
WISER 50-node wireless network emulator. Includes mobility, path-loss, CDMA time-slot emulation and more. Designed to emulate US Military network designs and may be applicable for other mobile wireless networks. Supports up to 50 nodes (vehicles, radio towers, etc). WISER is a joint project between Telcordia and Candela Technologies. Please see Telcordia's WISER Web Page for implementation details and research papers.
Network Traffic Generator
LANforge FIRE generates network traffic at various speeds with the ability to monitor packets for throughput and correctness. LANforge FIRE sits on the edge of your network and tests your network core. Useful for testing any network, and especially cost effective for efforts requiring many data-generating ports, such as DSL, Cable-Modem, and Satellite modems.
WAN Simulator / Emulator
LANforge ICE
LANforge ICE emulates networks that involve limited bandwidth, latency, packet loss, and corruption. LANforge ICE tests the behaviour of devices that sit on either side of an impaired network. Reduces lab and training costs by replacing expensive WAN hardware, such as T1 and FrameRelay devices. Automates testing with various scripting features and libraries.
WiFi Traffic Generators
wireless traffic generator is an excellent choice for testing Access Points and other WiFinetworks. The CT520 uses a modified Wireless driver for WiFi NICs based on the Atheros chipset. It cansupport up to 32 Virtual Stations. Each of the Virtual Stations has its own IP address, IP port space, MACaddress and routing table. The Virtual Stations can be assigned to communicate to a particular AccessPoint, use a particular SSID, and have a WEP (64 or 128bit) or WPA/WPA2 key assigned. More advanced802.1X authentication is also included. There is a single WiFi radio per CT520 but multiple LANforgesystems can be clustered together for more realistic radio interference patterns and increased trafficgeneration capability. The radio supports 802.11 a, b, g or n mode. Transmit power andchannel/frequency is configured on a per-radio basis. Most other settings are configurable per virtualstation