Leonardo DRS, Inc.
A leading supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces, intelligence agencies and prime contractors worldwide.
- 703 416 8000
- 2345 Crystal Drive
Suite 1000
Arlington, VA 22202
United States
Thermal Camera Cores
Tenum® 640
With a 10 μm pixel pitch and <30 mK NETD sensitivity, the Tenum 640 represents the latest evolution in low SWaP long-wave infrared technology. Tenum® 640 precisely balances ultra-small pixel structure with ultra-sensitive microbolometer performance at a remarkable cost advantage. The 10-micron pixel pitch Vanadium Oxide (VOx) technology behind Leonardo DRS’ Tenum® 640 is the most advanced uncooled infrared sensor design available to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) today.
Abrams Driver’s Vision Enhancer
The Abrams Driver’s Vision Enhancer (DVE-A) was developed specifically for the Abrams Main Battle Tank allowing for the driver to egress safely by using the quick disconnect bracket assembly. Combat proven and fielded in over 2000 US Army Abrams Main Battle Tanks to date, the DVE-A offers the latest in long wave thermal imaging capabilities.
Advanced Data Acquisition And Control System
This high-speed damage-control system was built around Arc Fault Detect and Continuous Thermal Monitoring (AFD/CTM) from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. When AFD/CTM detects dangerous arc faults — powerful discharges of electricity between conductors — the ADACS system immediately cuts power to the affected circuit before it can damage equipment or injure nearby personnel. Altogether, the system prevents loss of life, preserves countless repair dollars and assures continuous readiness.