Manatronics Pty Ltd
*Design and Development of DC Load Bank testers for Battery Discharge testing. *Design of Electronic Load for Rectifier test in production. *Development of a Battery Load tester to provide an electrical load. *Design of Data Logging and Monitor equipment for Battery Strings.
- +617 3801 3144
- 30 – 40B Twilight Court,
Buccan, QLD, 4207,
Load Banks
BD Series
*12 kW, 15kW and 18kW Battery Discharge Load DC*All of our Load Banks are continuously rated for Power and Current.
Load Banks
EL08 Series
*Rectifier Test 8kW*All of our Load Banks are continuously rated for Power and Current.
Load Banks
EL Series
*12kW, 15kW and 18kW DC Electronic Load*All of our Load Banks are continuously rated for Power and Current.
48V / 250 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 48V and 50V, (24 or 25 cells at 2V each), battery systems and is extremely cost effective.
24V / 400 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 24V battery systems and is extremely cost effective.
3kW Electronic Load
For Fuel Cell testing and Power Supply testing. This model has been developed to accommodate testing of both Fuel Cells and low Voltage Power Supplies, (including 24V telecommunications power systems or Power Supplies). It is also useful as a general-purpose variable Load. Its founding principle is simplicity – ease of use, enhanced reliability, greater value for money and wider applicability.
48V / 200 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 12V, 24V and 48V Battery systems and isextremely cost effective.
48V / 200 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 48V and 50V, (24 or 25 cells at 2V each), battery systems and is extremely cost effective.
48V / 300 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 12V, 24V and 48V Battery systems and isextremely cost effective.
24V / 400 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with Telecom 48V Rectifiers and Power Supplies with output Voltages in the range of 38V to 60V and is extremely cost effective.
48V / 300 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 48V and 50V, (24 or 25 cells at 2V each), battery systems and is extremely cost effective.
48V / 300 Amp Load
For Telecom Rectifier and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with Telecom 48V Rectifiers and Power Supplies with output Voltages in the range of 38V to 60V and is extremely cost effective.
48V / 250 Amp Load
For Battery Discharge testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with 12V, 24V and 48V Battery systems and is extremely cost effective.
4kW Electronic Load
For Telecom Rectifier and Power Supply testing. This model has been developed to accommodate testing of both 110V and 48V telecommunications power systems or Power Supplies. It is also useful as a general-purpose variable Load. Its founding principle is simplicity – ease of use, enhanced reliability, greater value for money and wider applicability.
230V / 36 Amp Load
For High Voltage UPS Battery Testing and Power Supply testing. This particular Load has been designed to operate with UPS Battery Systems and Telecom Rectifiers and Power Supplies with output Voltages in the range of 153V to 230V and is extremely cost effective.