Anatek Instruments
AnaTek filled a void when Dick Smith Electronics dropped its line of Bob Parker designed kits by working with Bob to produce the distinctive Blue ESR meter and Ring Tester kits.
- 1-888-611-7704
1-408-778-3868 - 408-778-2558
- 2761 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95050
United States
Blue ESR/Low Ohms Meter
This is the fully-assembled, cablibrated and tested Blue ESR/Low Ohms Meter The latest and best Bob Parker design and successor to the famous Dick Smith ESR/Low Ohms Meter. This handy and affordable meter measures capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR) in the circuit. ESR is a very important characteristic of capacitors greater than 1 ufd. This meter makes measurements which are often impossible to check with capacitance meters.