Eddy Co.
Optical monitoring systems have been the cornerstone for 35+ years of Eddy Company's leadership for supplying solutions for production of complex precision optical coatings such as bandpass filters, beamsplitters, and lasers.
- (760) 961-8457
- (760) 961-8458
- tech_support@eddyco.com
- 13590 Niabi Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92308
United States
The system shown here was built for a customer to be used in metallization, a common use for many smaller systems. It is also fully capable of performing optical coatings when equipped to do so. This particular system came equipped with a 16" APD ISO Flange mounted cyropump, and a Varian tri-scroll for roughing. The cooling tubes for the crystals as well as the drive motor for the parts holder can be seen on the top of the chamber.
Photo Multiplier Tube with a range of 185 - 700 nm. Has a built in power supply. Built in low noise amplifier with a gain of x1 and x100.
Digital Light Monitor
The LMC-20 functions not only as a light monitor for coating thickness, but also allows control of multi layer/multi material coating processes. Up to 2000 individual layers in a coating are possible, by using 40 program banks of 50 layers each. The characteristics of up to 99 different coating materials can be input as well. Final thickness can be calculated to 1% of a quarter wave.
Detector & Controller
Lead-Sulfide Detector (Range: 1 - 2.4 micron) Detector element is 5mm x 5mm. Has a 2 stage Thermoelectric Cooler which increases the gain by 3x without an increase in noise. This is a recommended upgrade when using a monochromater with a LMC-20.
Digital System Controller
The SC-20 system controller is capable of executing an entire coating run with the push of a single button. The backlit LCD display provides an easy way to monitor the coating and system status while running. The SC-20 can communicate not only with other Eddy process controllers, but with most OEM controllers as well. This makes it a perfect candidate for system upgrades as well as new builds. Noise protected circuitry coupled with continuous logic software ensures the process will be controlled and monitored throughout the whole process.
Short Light Source
The short light source is compatible with the LM-101 or the LMC-20. The light is supplied with a 50 watt tungsten halogen convection cooled light source which provides suffcient energy for use with narrow band pass filters or monochronomators in the wave length range of .35 to 2.5 microns. The light beam is chopped at 200 hz by a quiet, vibration free, synchronous motor. The housing also contains a secondary LED light source and detector for synchronization of the amplifier, plus an electro-mechanical shutter to block the light output when the instrument is zeroed. An internal collimating lens produces a narrow beam (<1") so the LM-AS can be used in bell-jar and large coating systems.
Flip Tooling Controller
In addition to controlling the rotation of a substrate holder in two directions, the FTC-620 is also capable of controlling two-way flipping for double sided parts. It can be triggered by an external source to flip, enabling fully automatic two sided coatings.
Photo Multiplier Tube with a range of 185 - 875 nm. Has a built in power supply. Built in low noise amplifier with a gain of x1 and x100.
Digital E-Gun Sweep
The XYC-20 E-beam evaporation controller is in a class by itself. The unit can be calibrated by the user to their specific system and e-gun. An algorithm determines the beam error from front to back and side to side within the pocket, eliminating pocket overshoot and burn-thru. The pattern control is effectively made linear saving time in programming and setup. Beam dwell time can vary at each location to compensate for variation in beam density. Six pocket sizes and two shapes can be selected.
Light Monitor
The LM-101 Light Monitor system provides an efficient and cost effective solution for monitoring coating thickness in real time. It consists of the LM-101 Light Monitor, LM-101A/AS light source, and Detector assembly.
This 28" box coater has a separately ventable top chamber, to allow for faster parts changes and increased productivity. It also is equipped with our FTC-620 flip controller. The flip and rotation motors can be seen on the top. This system uses a Varian tri-scroll pump and a bottom mounted 16" APD cryopump.
The 48" inch system is a must for facilities processing large parts or many parts in one run. Some process time is sacrificed in comparison to a smaller chamber, because of the large pumping volume, but is more than gained back by the high yields in parts runs.