Optronis GmbH
Optronis develops and distributes cameras for scientific and industrial applications. Streak Cameras, Fast Video Cameras and Image Intensified Cameras of Optronis are being used to capture fast optical events and faint light signals.
- +49 (0)7851 91260
- 49 (0) 7851 / 91 26 - 10
- support@optronis.com
- Honsellstr. 8
Kehl, D-77694
High-Speed Machine Vision
Cameras provided by Optronis for applications in machine vision as well as research allow to capture and transfer images at very high frame rate. These high-speed machine vision cameras are offered in 3 series. Each CamPerform series uses a different interface for data transfer.
Streak Camera
OptoScope S3C-1
The S3C-1 is a streak camera based on a semiconductor sensor. Like tube-based streak cameras, the S3C-1 captures changes in light along a line and records the change over time. To record the intensity values, they are sampled and stored with up to 2 GSamples/sec. The line is 65 µm wide and consists of 200 elements along its 5 mm length. Each element consists of a sensitive photodiode with a downstream amplifier.A new and special camera feature is continuous recording. This makes it possible to take recordings of events for which precise information about the time of their occurrence only becomes available after they have taken place. This "post-triggering" simplifies or allows certain applications.
Slow Motion Cameras
Whether it’s needed in the laboratory, at external sites or for crash tests, you can expect high performance every time, every place and everywhere from Optronis’ slow motion cameras of CamRecord-CR and CamRecord-Sprinter series. The systems are particularly easy to operate. The high level of light sensitivity of these cameras gives you a clear view of your subject, even in poor light conditions.
Streak Camera
OptoScope SC-20 systems
The SC-20 streak camera system is characterized by its large detection area of 35 mm x 4 mm and a large usable screen diagonal of 40 mm. Signals are mapped onto the fiber optic input window and measured without the need for optical reduction. In the simplest case, the entrance optics consists of a slit mask that lies directly on the entrance window. In addition, a flexible extension with a shutter, a lens mount or an adjustable slot with coupling optics is possible. The time resolution in the sub-nanosecond range qualifies the camera for many applications in detonics and plasma physics.
Streak Cameras
Streak camera technology was developed for measuring ultra-fast optical phenomena. OptoScope streak cameras provide temporal resolution down to the Picosecond regime. Additionally, OptoScope systems have high sensitivity allowing single photon detection. Streak cameras are the only instruments that can capture the behavior over time of multiple optical signals. Combined with a spectrometer this allows their application in the field of time resolved spectroscopy.
Streak Camera
OptoScope SC-10 systems
SC-10 systems are based on the SC-10 main unit and cover a very large range of applications thanks to their flexibility. With a time resolution of 2 ps, a very high temporal resolution streak system is available. The main unit itself uses a fused silica input window, maintaining sensitivity well into the UV range. Deflection units for triggered and synchroscan operation are available. The configuration with a second deflection unit for extension with an orthogonal time axis is also possible. SC-10 systems are well suited for applications in the field of time-resolved spectroscopy and offer a wide range of options for optical coupling.