Founded in 1993, Millimeter Wave Division of ELVA-1 is a research and production company with headquarters in Riga, Latvia. Among business on computers and telecom sales and services, the company also focuses on the development of high-tech industry automation solutions.
- +46 46 56 00 346
- +46 85 01 27 288
- sales@elva-1.com
- Kungsgatan 54
Furulund, 24462
High Sensitive Radiometers for Plasma Diagnostics
ELVA-1 radiometers for plasma diagnostic are worldwide known product. The custom designed ECE radiometers have been installed at lots of Tokamaks
mm-wave Bridges for EPR/NMR Spectrometers
ELVA-1 produces mm-wave bridges and components for EPR spectrometers. Lots of scientific laboratories in the world use ELVA-1’s products in their EPR experiments. Up to 170 GHz operating frequency
Precision Calibrated Noise Sources
ELVA-1's calibrated noise source ISSN-XX series delivers a uniform level of noise power spectral density within the whole waveguide frequency range. Sources are available in eight waveguide bands covering 26.4-170 GHz.
Standard Gain Horn Pyramidal Horn Antenna
Elva’s SGPH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. They can be issued with rectangular or circular waveguide. Lens technology significantly allows decreasing mechanical sizes of horns and correcting beam for the best performance. These horns are ideal solution for measurement gain of other antennas, short range radars and radiometers.
Standard Gain Horn Conical Lens antennas
Elva’s SLHA series of standard gain horn lens antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. They can be issued with rectangular or circular waveguide. Lens technology significantly allows decreasing mechanical sizes of horns and correcting beam for the best performance. These horns are ideal solution for measurement gain of other antennas, short range radars and radiometers.
Mm-Wave High Sensitive Power Meters
The DPM-xx is a single-channel average power meter for RF to millimeter wave frequencies that measures absolute power from 10 MHz to 220 GHz.
Real Time MM-Wave Frequency Analyzers up to 180 GHz
When millimeter-wave applications came into many domains of human activity, a need for precise measurements of signal frequency spectrum has become critical. This need is quite understandable when, for example, it concerns to exploring extraterrestrial radio-sources or micro/mm-wave background emission in radio-astronomy, or measuring chemical composition of the atmosphere through the molecular emission of different its components, plasma diagnostics or many military applications.
Interferometers and Reflectometers for Plasma Diagnostics up to 170 GHz
Elva-1 supplies different solutions for measurement density and temperature profiles of plasma. Our systems are installed practically on all TOKAMAKs over the World.
Frequency Meter up to 330 GHz
Frequency meter is intended for measuring frequency in range 70-330GHz.The Frequency Meter is based on sweepable heterodyne receiver. Fully outomated system allows to measure frequency without preslection frequency range.This solution is ideal for laboratory test measurement.
GPS Locked Mm-Wave Frequency Meter up to 170 GHz
Elva-1 specially designed GPS synchronized mm-wave frequency meter GPSFC-xx series. This solution allows to provide independent frequency measurement in different laboratories with absolute accuracy.