Sage Instruments
Sage has become a leader in the telecommunications and wireless test industry. Our field test sets, automated test systems, local loop test systems, and automated wireless test systems are used worldwide by leading telecom and wireless providers, manufacturers, and end users.
- 831-761-1000
- 831-761-1008
- 240 Airport Blvd.
Freedom, CA 95019
United States
Wireless Signal Analyzer
WSA 400
Sage’s new series of wireless signal analyzers provide unparalleled performance for the price in an extremely portable package.
Wireless Signal Analyzer
WSA 300
Sage’s new series of wireless signal analyzers provide unparalleled performance for the price in an extremely portable package.
Multi-Channel Test Instrument
The 960B is a powerful multi-channel IP Telephony precision test instrument combining TDM, Ethernet and Analog interfaces and simultaneous test capability to comprehensively test and monitor Next Generation Networks in Real-Time.
Multi-Channel Rack Test Server
Analog Devices develops components for safety systems, such as stability control systems and driver assistance systems, infotainment and interior applications.Powertrain systems in hybrid and electric vehicles use high-precision data conversion products in battery monitoring and control systems.
Handheld VoIP Service Tester
THE 925VST is a powerful handheld voice over packet (VoP)service qualification tool for field deployment and troubleshootingpersonnel who need a rapid and reliable installation tool.
International Test Set
The 930i Communications Test Set is a multi function portable unit that features a powerful Next Generation Voice Test Suite. It offers a laboratory quality VF TIMS, a full-featured BERT, RS-232 control and a host of other functions as standard equipment.