Keighley Laboratories LTD
Keighley Laboratories Ltd are specialists in the heat treatment of metals and metallurgical laboratory services. We have extensive experience gained from working with companies within industries such as Passenger Transportation, Marine, Aerospace, Defence, Rail, Oil and Gas etc.
- 44 (0)1535 664211
- Croft House South Street
Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 1EG
United Kingdom
Chemical Analysis
Chemical analysis involves determining the elemental constituents of a material. This information can then be used to determine if the material matches a required specification. At Keighley Laboratories analysis of a wide range of products covering many material types is undertaken although these are mainly metal or metal related products.
Chemical Analysis and Corrosion Testing
Performing chemical analysis of metal alloys including both ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.Chemical analysis involves determining the chemical constituents of metals and related materials.An industry leader and co-operating laboratory for qualifying Calibration Standards for Chemical Analysis.Our chemical laboratory processes include Spectroscopy – Optical Emission Inductively Coupled Plasma, gas analysers, wet chemical, Intercrystalline/ Intergranular Corrosion (including G28, G48 etc).
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
NDT covers a wide group of testing techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material, part, product, weld or system without causing damage. NDT carried out at KLL includes:Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT) is used for the detection of surface breaking discontinuities on magnetic and non-magnetic metallic materials.Fluorescent and colour contrast penetrants are available to be used in the following methods:-Water washableSolvent removablePost emulsifiableMagnetic Particle Inspection (MT/MPI) is used for the detection of surface breaking and slightly sub-surface (up to 2mm) discontinuities.Bench type crack detectors and portable units are employed producing various waveforms (i.e. A.C, HWDC and induced magnetic flow) to give both circular and longitudinal magnetism.On-site testing is carried out using electro magnetic yokes and permanent magnets producing induced magnetic flow.Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UT), also known as Ultrasonic Inspection, is used for the detection of volumetric discontinuities in ferrous and non-ferrous products (forgings and castings etc.), and welds in magnetic and non-magnetic materials.UT is capable of penetrating metals, dependent on the material characteristics, up to 10m in length.Some thickness and depth checks can also be carried out using ultrasound.Radiography services are available through sub-contract booked in advance. Notice is required for on-site work.Personnel are available at short notice for in-house or on-site work in the UK and overseas.All inspectors undertaking non destructive testing (LPT, MT/MPI and UT) are qualified to, and meet a minimum of, PCN Level 2.PCN Level 3 supervision is available in-house for LPT, MT/MPI, UT offering consultancy services including procedure writing and commentary, auditing of techniques and Level 3 Supervisor cover.We can assist clients in product qualification, material testing, quality assurance and audit programmes.
Weld Testing
Supports industries such as Aerospace, Nuclear, Automotive, Commercial Fabrication etc.Welding procedure consultancy and approvalWelder qualification test and codingWelding procedure certificationWelder performance qualificationOn site welding invigilationOffers a complete range of destructive and non-destructive testing facilities.Responsible Welding Co-ordinators available for customer supportCAA Weld Specimen SignatoriesCSWIP Approved Inspectors
Mechanical Testing
A range of processes including:Tensile and Compression Load TestingA test piece or component is subjected to tension (or compression) until either a proof load is achieved or failure occurs.Testing can be carried out on both metallic and some non-metallic materials.
Salt Spray Testing/Cabinet Based Corrosion Testing
Sometimes referred to salt mist, salt fog, humidity or corrosion testingAll corrosion and environmental related tests can be tailored to customer requirementsTypical exposure times range from 16 hours to over 1000 hoursAccelerated corrosion testing can be used to check protective coatings, surface finishes and material compatibilitiesOur facilities provide a continuous controlled corrosive exposure and can combine salt spray and humidity environments.