UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
We design, manufacture, market, service and support portable test equipment that every day enables thousands of professionals to do their jobs around the world.
- 1-800-547-5740
(503) 644-8723 - (503) 643-6322
- info@ueitest.com
- 8625 SW Cascade Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97008
United States
IR Thermometers
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
Non-contact IR energy measurement to determine temperature.
Digital Clamp Meter
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The PHOENIX Clamp meter series starts with the DL369, the perfect meter for contractors who need basic features without all the extras. Great for general troubleshooting and electrical maintenance, this isn't just a stripped down model, the PRIME is a fully functional tough meter made to get the job done.
Refrigerant Detectors
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
Is designed and certified to meet the new tougher standards and detect the latest refrigerants.
Digital Non-Contact Tachometer
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The TACH2 is a dual measurement mode, contact or non-contact, Tachometer that measures rotational speed using both modes. With measurements of RPMs up to 99,999 are possible, with resolution automatically changing throughout the range.
Residentia/Commercial Combustion Analyzer w/ Pressure/NOx
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The C164, with EOS Technology, eliminates the number one hassle experienced by HVAC technicians, the cost and down time of replacing the O2 sensor. The EOS award-winning technology for combustion analysis replaces the everyday electro-optical sensor with EOS CO2 technology, lowering the cost of ownership. The C164 offers direct CO2 measurement and features a 30 second start up time.
Quick Response Time Combustible Gas Leak Detector w/ Alarm
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The CD200 has a long, slim gooseneck probe and a bright LED tip light to find combustible gas leaks in tight areas. Its adjustable alarm, easy one-hand operation and impact resistant storage case add up to value and convenience.
Premium Wireless Vacuum Gauge Probe for use with HUB8 or HUB6
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
Premium Wireless Vacuum Gauge Probe
Pen Style Combustible Leak Detector
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The UTLCD1 is a professional value Combustion Leak Detector with easy one step operation.
600A TRMS Clamp Meter w/ DC Amps, Inrush, Magnet
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
600A TRMS Clamp Meter w/ DC Amps, Inrush, Magnet, ATTPC4 (2)
True RMS Multimeter w/ Temperature and Capacitance
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
The DM393 is one of our safest Industrial Duty meters ever made. All inputs, ranges and functions protected to CATIII 1000 Volts. Perfect for HVAC and electrical technicians whose applications require higher accuracy measurements and True RMS precision. Built-in temperature means one less instrument to bring to the job. The DM393 has convenient access to battery and fuses without breaking calibration seals
Static Pressure Manometer Kit
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
A digital, time saving electronic manometer static pressure kit
Freezer & Dial Thermometers
UEi Test & Measurement Instruments
A Dial Thermometer (filled system thermometer) can either be read at the point of measurement or from a remote location using a desired length of capillary tubing