Robson Technologies, Inc.
RTI's products focus on custom test sockets, test fixtures, and turnkey test solutions for integrated circuits, hybrids, and small printed circuit boards. We provide solutions for failure analysis, package development, prototype engineering, wafer sort, and production test.
- 408-779-8008
- 135 East Main Avenue, Suite #130
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
United States
Custom Pogo Pin Rings & Blocks
Reduce your cost-of-test with our pogo pin blocks and interfaces that transform complex DUT boards or breakout boards into universal motherboard-style interfaces. Eliminate the need to purchase or build a new board for every unique device, unit, or package.
Custom Test Sockets
RTI specializes in producing custom test sockets We work with your engineering team from prototype to production, ensuring your product meets your test requirements. Contact us for a free quote.
Remote Docking Fixtures
RTI offers a variety of docking interfaces including our Standard OctoPogo series with interchangeable alignment plates to third party test fixtures. RTI has developed many complete interface solutions, including everything required to interface to various test systems.
Automated DC Parametric Curve Tracer
MegaTrace supports pin counts greater than 625 up to 2160 pins, with 1080 pins being popular. Comprised of a cart that contains the test chassis, PC monitor, drive bus box, and a test interface, MegaTrace is easy to move around and use with other instruments like emission microscopes, probe stations, and other remote testing requirements.
Automated DC Parametric Curve Tracer
MultiTrace curve tracer is a mid-sized benchtop model supporting pin counts from 216-625 pins and includes the PGA-625 fixture as a standard interface. MultiTrace supports a wide range of test applications: Failure analysis, Reliability testing, Counterfeit device analysis, Nondestructive electrical counterfeit test, Opens, shorts leakage testing (OSL), Post decap electrical inspection, Optical fault localization, ESD testing, Latch-up testing, Supply current measurements, and more!
Manual Test Press Fixture
750/752 Series
RTI's manual test presses are compact, portable, all-inclusive, and easy to use. Single lever operation and 100% vertical compression makes the manual test press an ideal solution for PCB, hybrid module, and high pin count device-level testing when complex test requirements cannot be met with a test socket and breakout board alone.
Manual Switch Boxes
RTI's manual switch box is a portable and versatile test solution for quick IC electrical verification tests. RTI's 96-pin manual switch boxes integrate with a variety of test configurations that are customized to your test and device needs. It requires no software and connects directly to an external power supply for bias test, and performs quick comparison tests using an A/B relay box.
DUT Boards
RTI designs and manufactures DUT boards for many types of special purpose test equipment including: ESD test systems, special purpose functional testers, automated curve trace equipment, as well as standard semiconductor test equipment. All designs are performed in-house using PCB design software (Mentor PADS, CAM350) and 3D mechanical design software (Solid Edge) if required. PCB fabrication is sub-contracted to one of our long-time fabrication partners.