We provide reliable, flexible and easy-to-use communication and remote management solutions to the world of industrial communication.
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- 35 E. Wacker Dr,
Chicago, IL 60601
United States
Real-Time Ethernet Master/Slave Network
EtherCAT is an open real-time Ethernet Master/Slave network developed by Beckhoff. Today, it is an open standard, managed by the EtherCAT technology group. EtherCAT sets new limits for real-time performance since it processes 1000 distributed I/O in 30 µs or 100 axis in 100 µs using twisted pair or fiber optic cable. Regarding topology, EtherCAT supports a simple low cost line structure, a tree structure, daisy chaining or drop lines - no expensive infrastructure components are required. Alternatively the classic more expensive switched star topology can be used.
Fieldbus Network
CC-Link is a Fieldbus network that processes both cyclic I/O data and acyclic parameter data at high speed. CC-Link was developed by Mitsubishi and today, it is managed by the CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA). CC-Link is a very popular network in Asia. Worldwide, it is used for time-critical applications based on Mitsubishi Automation technology. CC-Link products are certified by the CLPA, guaranteeing worldwide compatibility.
Industrial Communication System
PROFIBUS is the leading industrial communication system for manufacturing automation in Europe with strong growth in many other markets. PROFIBUS is supported by Siemens and is promoted by the PROFIBUS User Organization. Profibus products are certified by the PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO), guaranteeing worldwide compatibility.
Purely Software-Based Industrial Ethernet Solution
Ethernet Powerlink
Powerlink is a purely software-based Industrial Ethernet solution that has been designed to integrate all communication tasks of modern automation applications – uniformly and consistently. The real-time protocol is basically suitable for all applications in machine and plant engineering as well as for applications in the process industry.
Open Network Standards
ControlNet is one of three open network standards (DeviceNet, ControlNet and EtherNet/IP), all of which use a common application layer, the "Common Industrial Protocol" (CIP). The Family of CIP Networks is specified and published by ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association - and CI (ControlNet International -
Solutions foe a Wireless Network
Bluetooth & WLAN
One wireless technology cannot cater for all application requirements. The standardized wireless technologies — WLAN, Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy — are good at different things
Innovative Open Standard
PROFINET is the innovative open standard for Industrial Ethernet, development by Siemens and the Profibus User Organization (PNO). With PROFINET, solutions can be implemented for factory and process automation, for safety applications, and for the entire range of drive technology right up to clock-synchronized motion control. PROFINET is standardized in IEC 61158 and IEC 61784. Profinet products are certified by the PNO user organization, guaranteeing worldwide compatibility.
Industrial Ethernet Network
CC Link IE Field
CC-Link IE Field network is the first gigabit industrial Ethernet network extended down to the field device level. It combines the best of existing technologies and applies them in a highly reliable architecture that provides exceptional data bandwidth and transaction rates. The new network uses commercially available Cat5E cable and RJ45 connectors.
Data Communication Solution
BACnet is a data communication protocol mainly used in the building automation and HVAC industry (Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning).
Modbus RTU Rs486/232/422
It provides client/server communication between devices connected to different types of buses or networks. Modbus-RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) means that the Modbus protocol is used on top of a serial line with an RS-232, RS-485 or similar physical interface.
Open and Flexible Higher Layer Protocol that is Used in an Ever-Increasing Range of Applications
CANopen is an open and flexible higher layer protocol that is used in an ever-increasing range of applications. Based on the CAN bus, it combines low cost with high performance and represents an attractive distributed control solution for industrial automation, medical equipment, public transportation, elevators, maritime electronics, and many other applications.
European Standard for Remote Reading of Measuring Devices
M-Bus (Meter-Bus) is a European standard for remote reading of measuring devices. M-Bus is predominantly used in buildings, for example in electricity meters, gas meters, water meters or other types of consumption meters. It is also used for various sensors and actuators.
Open Master/Slave Application Protoco
Modbus TCP
Modbus-TCP means that the Modbus protocol is used on top of Ethernet-TCP/IP. Modbus-TCP is an open Industrial Ethernet network which has been specified by the Modbus-IDA User Organization in co-operation with the Internet Engeneering Task Force (IETF) as an RFC Internet standard.