Lasermet Ltd.
Manufacturing and distributing a full range of high quality laser safety products.
- 44 (0)1202 770 740
- 44 (0)1202 770 730
- Lasermet House
137 Hankinson Road
Bournemouth,, Dorset BH9 1HR,
United Kingdom
Laser & LED Testing
Lasermet is the UK’s leading test house for testing to the following standards:EN 60825-1 / IEC 60825-1*EN 60825-2 / IEC 60825-2EN 60825-12 / IEC 60825-12*EN 60601-2-22 / IEC 60601-2-22*21 CFR 1040.10and is the only test house with UKAS accreditation for laser and LED testing (other than the National Physical Laboratories).
Laser Power Meter Calibration Services
Following the successful setup of our UKAS accredited laser testing laboratory we have now set up a calibration laboratory in our Bournemouth premises for the purpose of offering laser power meter calibrations. We are able to undertake NPL traceable calibration of laser power meters at any of the following wavelengths: