Qualitrol provides the world's energy grid with monitoring equipment to ensure reliable power. Gain real-time oversight of your operations with actionable insights into compliance, equipment performance, and risks. With Qualitrol's reliable and robust range of monitoring devices, you'll avoid costly equipment failures, while empowering your maintenance personnel to make informed decisions that save time and money.
- 1 585-643-3717
- info@qualitrolcorp.com
- 1385 Fairport Road
Fairport, NY 14450
United States
Air Gap Monitoring & Analysis
Solutions for air gap monitoring in order to plan maintenance prior to reduced operating efficiency or damage from magnetically induced heating or rubbing between the rotor and stator.
Partial Discharge Monitors
Partial Discharge Monitors provide a complete package that includes sensors, cables, data acquisition unit, processing unit (CPU) and software.
Bushing Monitoring
Qualitrol Bushing Monitor System is an on-line Tanδ (PF) and Capacitance monitoring system for substation bushings. It measures the phase difference induced by capacitive layers of bushings and calculates the rate of change to predict defects in bushing insulation.
Stator Wedge Analysis
Loose stator wedges can lead to coil vibration and erosion of stator insulation. Iris Power stator wedge tightness testing provides a consistent and quantitative means of identifying the location and severity of loose stator wedges in order to plan rewedging or other necessary repairs.
Flow Indicator
Qualitrol 092
Designed to indicate “pump on” and “pump off” conditions within a forced cooling system. Select models also indicate flow direction. Up to two SPST or SPDT switches are available for control and/or alarm functions. Large dial face provides easy viewing and is magnetically coupled to the flange assembly allowing leak free replacement if damaged.
Current Signature Analysis
The Iris Power MDSP3 uses the Current Signature Analysis technology which relies on the concept that faults in the induction motor rotor or driven components result in changes to the rotor magnetic field pattern. Unique magnetic rotating fields are produced due to the faults which induce detectable stator current components indicative of the fault.
Offline Stator Core Testing
Iris Power EL CID Evolution
The EL CID Evolution provides offline testing of inter-laminar insulation breakdown within a stator core. The only alternative to the Iris Power EL CID Evolution test is the Ring Flux (full flux) test. The Ring Flux test requires large power supplies, considerable manpower, and expensive infrared viewing cameras.
Multi-functional fault recorder including: -- Disturbance fault record (DFR)- Dynamic disturbance recording (DDR) - Phasor measurement unit (PMU C37-118)- Power Quality (PQ Class A)- Travelling wave fault location (TWS to +/-60m) - Impedance fault location- Protocols (61850, Modbus, DNP3) - Sequence of event recording (SOE)- GPS, IRIG and NTP time sync- iQ+ masterstation software.
Temperature Measurement Devices
Qualitrol's line of Direct Mount Thermometers provide an accurate indication of temperature with a rugged, low profile design, multiple control and alarm functions with optional SCADA output
Pressure Relief, Gauges, and Relays
Durable and accurate with factory and portable test kits for Rapid Pressure Rise devices.
Fiber Optics
The Neoptix product line includes fiber optic temperature sensors for transformer windings temperature monitoring and for laboratory, industrial, and medical applications.
Gas Accumulation Indicator
Qualitrol 038
Mechanical measurement of gas accumulation within a conservator style transformer. Alarm functions warn when level hits maximum limit and remains on until sufficient gas is removed. Sampling port allows your personnel to draw-off of gas for laboratory analysis.
Fault Recording Monitors
Comprehensive, flexible, scalable and compatible – full multi-function devices.
Dissolved Gas Analyzers
Identify and monitor critical transformer fault types with dissolved gas analyzers that easily retrofit existing transformers or can be made specifically for new builds
Direct Winding Transformer Monitors
Real time comparison of calculated and direct winding temperatures