TamoSoft develops cutting-edge security and network monitoring software for the Internet and Local Area Networks, providing clients with the ability and confidence to meet the challenges of tomorrow's technology.
- 64 3 359 0396
- 64 3 359 0392
- sales@tamos.com
- 218 Grahams Road
Burnside, Christchurch 8053
New Zealand
Network Monitor & Analyzer
CommView for WiFi
CommView for WiFi is a powerful wireless network monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks. CommView for WiFi can help you view and examine packets, pinpoint network problems, perform site surveys, and troubleshoot software and hardware. Includes a VoIP module.
Network Monitor & Analyzer
CommView is a powerful network monitor and analyzer designed for LAN administrators, security professionals, network programmers, home users…virtually anyone who wants a full picture of the traffic flowing through a PC or LAN segment. Includes a VoIP analyzer.
TamoSoft® Throughput Test
TamoSoft Throughput Test is a utility for testing the performance of a wireless or wired network. This utility continuously sends TCP and UDP data streams across your network and computes important metrics, such as upstream and downstream throughput values, packet loss, and round-trip time, and displays the results in both numeric and chart formats. TamoSoft Throughput Test supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connections and allows the user to evaluate network performance depending on the Quality of Service (QoS) settings.