Andeen-Hagerling, Inc.
Manufacturers of the world's most accurate capacitance bridges and standards.
- (440) 349-0370
- (440) 349-0359
- 31200 Bainbridge Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44139-2231
United States
1 kHz Automatic Capacitance Bridge
AH 2500A
The AH 2550A offers unparalleled stability, resolution and accuracy in a capacitance/loss bridge (whether manual or automatic). Its numerous state of the art features make it an exceptionally user-friendly instrument, just as was its predecessor, the AH2500A. The precision and ease of use of the AH2550A are creating new applications in science, calibration, and production in a wide range of fields.
50 Hz-20 kHz Ultra-precision Capacitance Bridge
AH 2700A
The AH 2700A offers unparalleled stability, resolution, linearity and accuracy in a multi-frequency capacitance/loss1 bridge (whether manual or automatic). Its numerous state-of-the-art features make it an exceptionally user-friendly instrument. The precision of the AH 2700A is creating new applications in calibration, science, and production in a wide range of fields
Capacitance/Loss Bridge
AH 2550A
The AH 2550A offers unparalleled stability, resolution and accuracy in a capacitance/loss bridge (whether manual or automatic). Its numerous state of the art features make it an exceptionally user-friendly instrument, just as was its predecessor, the AH2500A. The precision and ease of use of the AH2550A are creating new applications in science, calibration, and production in a wide range of fields.
Capacitance Standard Frame
AH 1100
The AH 1100 capacitance standard frame containing from one to four AH 11A fused-silica capacitance standards provides reference capacitors of unexcelled stability. The inherent stability of this system when subjected to mechanical or thermal shock makes it the ideal transfer standard for capacitance. The built-in precision temperature controllers make it a simple, reliable system to use.
Dual, Low Noise, Coaxial Cable Optimized
Very high precision, three-terminal capacitance measurements can be affected by the self-inductance of the test cables, mainly at higher capacitance values. Magnetically induced noise can also reduce the quality of measurements. The cable now offered by Andeen-Hagerling both minimizes these problems and provides a way to standardize the residual self-inductance.