ELES Semiconductor Equipment SpA
ELES is a world leader in semiconductor reliability test equipment, fixtures and engineering solutions. We satisfy and exceed your actual qualification and burn-in needs, and provide innovative solutions to optimize the cost of test and reduce time to market. We take you from a pass/fail approach to learn from failures, and drive continuous improvement of products and processes towards zero defects.
- 39 075 898000
- 39 075 8987215
- info@eles.com
- Z.I. Bodoglie 148/1/Z
Frazione Pian di Porto
Todi, 06059
Reliability Testing
ELES Semiconductor Equipment SpA
ELES designs and manufacturers reliability test solutions to verify the performance of integrated circuits from concept validation to high volume production during all the test phases. No other company can provide universal equipment for all the reliability tests, or can guarantee a seamless data flow between phases or can apply on chip embedded reliability engineering for data tracking and failure investigation. Clients use our functional test data to proactively analyse variations between lots, between temperature extremes and during lifetime (often these defects escape ATE). The improvements to products and processes needed to arrive at zero defects cannot be driven by the quantity of Big Data alone, the quality of reliability data is a strategic advantage that only ELES can provide.