Sea-Bird Scientific
Sea-Bird Scientific is the world’s largest developer and manufacturer of products for the measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients and related oceanographic parameters in marine waters. These tools are used around the world by ocean researchers, resource managers, and key industries engaged in offshore exploration and ocean resource utilization. Our customers include research institutes, ocean observing programs, national and local government agencies, oil companies, engineering firms, environmental consulting businesses, and navies throughout the world. Our products are used in numerous critical environmental research and monitoring efforts that are deeply tied to our modern world. These studies include topics ranging from determining the ocean’s role in, and the associated impact from, climate changes, to the monitoring of environmental impacts of major episodic events such as oil spills and tsunamis.
- +1 425 643-9866
- 13431 NE 20th St,
Bellevue, WA 98005
United States
Nutrient | Oxygen | PH Sensors: Nutrient Sensors
Sea-Bird Scientific’s line of nutrient sensors deliver high-resolution, continuous nutrient measurements that provide unique insights into the coupling of hydrological, geochemical, and biological processes. From lakes and rivers to deep oceans, continuous monitoring of nutrients is increasingly being used to understand ecosystem dynamics at time scales that capture daily processes, trends and events.
Nutrient | Oxygen | PH Sensors: Oxygen Sensors
Oxygen sensors measure dissolved oxygen in the water. Sea-Bird oxygen sensors are designed to be integrated with a pumped CTD, and can be easily added at the factory or in the field to the plumbing on Sea-Bird CTDs that can accomodate auxiliary sensors.
CTDs: Profiling
Profiling CTDs make continuous measurements as they travel through water. When lowered over the side of a ship or integrated with an autonomous vehicle, they map a vertical column of water's characteristics. Compared to moored CTDs, profiling CTDs account for dynamic errors introduced by moving through water and sample rapidly to generate a high-resolution dataset over a short period of time. Sea-Bird Scientific profiling CTDs are:*Designed to perform under unique dynamic conditions found on moving platforms.*Pumped and ducted for constant flow to match temperature and conductivity response.*Plumbed so measurements are made on the same sample of water with a predictable delay and predictable flow effects.*Built with a rugged design for shipboard and autonomous deployments.
CTDs: Modular
Sea-Bird offers several modular sensors designed for integration with larger CTD packages
CTDs: Moored
Moored sensors measure water parameters in one location over an extended period. These instruments are often battery-powered and save banks of data in their internal memory for later retrieval. Moored CTDs and sensors form the backbone of long-term studies on buoys, docks, and other fixed platforms, providing valuable time-series of data for monitoring and research applications.
CTDs: Moving Platform
Sea-Bird offers CTDs and sensors designed for moving platforms, such as shipboard thermosalinographs and glider CTDs.
Hyperspectral ocean color radiometer (HOCR) sensors are designed for applications where performance, size and power are key constraints. HOCRs can be mounted on real-time profilers, moored on autonomous deepwater buoys, installed in autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as on ships and airplanes for above-water optic applications. HyperOCR sensors are fully digital optical packages, providing 136 channels of calibrated optical data from 350–800 nm.
Optical Sensors: Transmissometers
Transmissometers provide information about the optical properties of natural water by measuring the transmittance or attenuation of incident radiation. Sea-Bird Scientific offers transmissometers and an attenuation sensors for a variety of applications, including AUVs, deep ocean, and profiling floats.
Nutrient | Oxygen | PH Sensors: PH Sensors
pH (potential Hydrogen) is a measurement of the level of acids and bases in water. Our pH sensors have been used extensively to research ocean acidification, coral reefs, coastal marine biology, and to conduct environmental monitoring.
Optical Sensors: Scattering Sensors
Scattering sensor data offers links to particulate bigeochemistry and ocean color. Sea-Bird Scientific offers a wide variety of scattering sensor configurations and measurement capabilities. Our sensors are available in single, dual, and three-measurement combinations.
Optical Sensors: Fluorometers
Sea-Bird Scientific offers a wide variety of fluorometer configurations and measurement capabilities. ECO fluorometers are available in single, dual, and three-measurement combinations. Fluorometers measure chlorophyll-a, FDOM, rhodamine, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin.
Underwater Bioluminescence Assessment Tool
Provides a better understanding of spatial and temporal complexity in coastal and ocean ecosystems
Observational Systems: Profiling Floats
Autonomous profiling floats are revolutionizing the way scientists study the ocean. Before the first profiling float entered the water, our ability to measure climate, biological, and chemical trends was limited in scope while large-scale studies were a costly endeavor.
Radiometers: Multispectral Radiometers
Sea-Bird Scientific offers a suite of instruments and systems that provide a lens into the world of ocean color, including radiometers with precision optics and deployment platforms designed specifically for them
AUV | ROV Sensors: AUV | ROV Sensors
Autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles are rapidly evolving to fill scientific niches, many with capabilities otherwise unattainable through traditional manned research at a fraction of the operating cost. Sea-Bird Scientific offers a line of sensors uniquely designed for integration with various unmanned underwater vehicles, expanding data potential and opening new doors for unique research opportunities. While Sea-Bird Scientific originally designed most sensors for stand-alone applications, we have redesigned and miniaturized popular product lines meet the specific operational requirements of unmanned research platforms: a 1 kg CTD can now replace a 10 kg CTD while maintaining the same accuracy, and a precision optical sensor can now take up half the space while recording the same data channels.