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- +49 2244 9277-0
- +49 (2223) 704-70
- info@zera.de
- Humboldtstraße 2a
Koenigswinter, 53639
Precision Laboratory Systems
With accuracy and reliability, our products set standards in the laboratory technology market.
Portable Test Systems
We refer to test meters with an integrated source as test systems. Test systems are particularly useful when you need custom current and voltage values when testing meter installations, but only want to use a single device.
Test Benches AC
Beyond customized test solutions we offer configured test benches. Cost-efficient and with short delivery times.
We offer custom-made software for controlling test procedures, visualizing and managing measurement data or simulating circuit errors.
Multi-Position Test Bench DC
Combined with a power source system e.g. MTS750 this test bench is used as a DC meter test system with 40 test positions.
Source Systems AC
The power sources of MTS-series based on digital amplifier modules combined with frequency generator and reference device are the MTS source system. Single-phase systems (MTS1xx) or three-phase systems (MTS3xx) from 1 to more than 40 test positions are available.
E-mobility Test Systems
Correct contactingcharging cable detectionsecurity questionExtensive range of accessories for on-site measurements in a separate caseCharging cable with additional measuring lines (Sense)Convenient control through guided test procedure via WinSAM and tabletElectromechanical locking
Test Benches DC
Combined with a power source system e.g. MTS750 this test bench is used as a DC meter test system with 40 test positions.
Test Case for AC & DC Charging Stations
CAT IIDirect connection to charging stations for electric vehicleDirect measurement up to 200 A (DC)Direct measurement up to 32 A (AC)Energy measurement during the charging process
Test Case for AC Charging Stations
CAT IIDirect connection to charging stations for electric vehicleDirect measurement up to 32 A (AC)Energy measurement during the charging process
Test Case for AC Charging Stations
CAT IIDirect connection to charging stations for electric vehicleDirect measurement up to 80 A (AC)Energy measurement during the charging process
Instrument Transformer Test Systems
Our systems for testing voltage (VT) and current (CT) instrument transformers are conceived among other things for testing accuracy and insulation.
Instrument Transformer & Switchgear Testing
Our stationary and mobile instrument transformer test systems are used to test current and voltage instrument transformers. Among other things, accuracy testing, demagnetization and insulation testing are possible.
Portable Reference Meters
We offer a series of Reference Meters which meet a variety of requirements. Primarily they are used for testing of meter installations on-site with accuracy classes from 0.2 up to 0.02.
Primary Testing Technique
Individual components for instrument transformer testing technologyStationary and portable instrument transformer testing technologyprimary testing technique