AstroNova’s Test & Measurement Business Group designs and manufactures data acquisition instruments and supplies for the automotive, aerospace, energy, pulp and paper, transportation, telemetry, and general industrial markets.
- 877-867-9783
(401) 828-4000 -
- 600 East Greenwich Ave.
West Warwick, RI 02893
United States
Data Acquisition Systems
AstroNova™ offers the TMX-R as the next generation replacement for the Everest X Recorder-Workstation. The TMX-R is the rackmount version of the TMX® which is a powerful data acquisition system capable of displaying and recording a large number of channels.
Mission-Critical Chart Recorder
The EV-5000 is ideal for mission-critical data acquisition applications where digital storage and paper printouts are required. Engineered to be a direct replacement for the field-proven Everest® series of chart recorders from Astro-Med, the EV-5000 eliminates the need for costly retrofits and provides the same high-quality charts, easy data review and permanent records. Print recorded data on standard 16.3” (414 mm) Z-fold chart paper.
Data Acquisition System
The DDX100 SmartCorder® is an all new portable data acquisition system that includes everything you need to record, review and analyze data in one piece of test equipment. Its compact size, lightweight design and battery operation make it a very convenient system for use in industrial environments, test labs, and in vehicle testing or field service applications.
Mobile Powerful Stackable Data Acquisition System
Daxus is a smart modern approach to data acquisition from Astro-Med. A data acquisition system that lets you record and transmit data anywhere and anytime, Daxus is bringing data acquisition to the forefront of the digital age with smart phone compatibility, wireless internet connectivity, and stackable, networkable, portable and powerful data acquisition that you can use anywhere, anytime.
High-Speed Data Acquisition System
Astro-Med Recorders Maintain their Position as the Easiest to Use Data Acquisition Systems on the Market. Stop fumbling with those awkward buttons or knobs and complicated configurations! The TMX features an exclusive full-color 17" advanced touch screen technology, as well as pre-defined set up options, eliminating the need for training. With the TMX, you will be an expert in no time!
High-Speed Data Acquisition System
With the TMX-18, there's no need to fumble with awkward buttons or knobs and complicated configurations! The TMX-18 features a high resolution, 17" touch screen display, as well as pre-defined set up options, making test setup a breeze! With the TMX-18, you will be up and running in no time!