Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
3ctest is one of the leading companies in EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), and combines development, manufacture, sales and service.
- +86-512-68413700
- +86-512-68079795
- Unit 2,Anda Industrial park
Jinshan Rd
SND, Suzhou 215011
ESD Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
State of the art electrostatic discharge simulator available in 18KV. It is the most ergonomic ESD gun without an additional base control unit. It can be operated via battery or mains. The easy to use touch screen, ergonomic design, modular R/C units, remote control software, built-in LED light and temperature and humidity display allows a trouble-free use in all types of test sites.
Pulsed Withstand Voltage Safety Test
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
designed to test the induced and conducted disturbance on the telecom lines generated by power line and electrical railway. It meets the requirements of YD/T 993-2006(The technical requirements and test methods of over-voltage and over-current resistibility for telecommunication terminal equipment),
Pulsed Withstand Voltage Safety Test
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Designed to test the induced and conducted disturbance on the telecom lines generated by power line and electrical railway. It meets the requirements of YD/T 993-2006(The technical requirements and test methods of over-voltage and over-current resistibility for telecommunication terminal equipment), ITU-T K21 and ITU-T K44.
Voltage Dip, Interruption& Variation Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
PFS single phase power fail simulator simulates voltage dip, interruption and variation which are caused by power grid and transformer devices due to malfunction or sudden large change of load. It is required to test this kind of phenomena to check whether electronic and electrical device can sustain safety operating condition.
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Power frequency magnetic field simulator is a special designed instrument with high reliability according to the features of the power frequency magnetic field immunity test for electrical and electronic products.
Damped Oscillatory Wave Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Damped oscillatory wave test system for new energy can produce repeatable transient on HV or medium voltage power cord, control line and signal line. It can meet the requirements of CE and CCC certificate. With internal three-phase five-wire high power CDN DOPN 69100T, it can conduct new energy test and high power load test with good reliability, stable performance and easy operation.
Surge/wave Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Surge pulses occur due to direct or indirect lighting strokes to an external circuit. This leads to current or electromagnetic fields causing high voltage or current transients. Another source for surge pulsed is switching transients originating from switching disturbances and system faults.
EFT/Burst Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
High-end test instrument of EFT/Burst for new energy, which fully comply with CE and CCC certification. With a built-in three-phase five-wire automatic coupling /decoupling network EFTN 69100T, it can meet the requirements of new energy test system and high power load test. It is featured with good reliability, stable performance and easy use.
Ring Wave Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Ring wave interference on electronic line, control line and signal line can be caused by transient due to switch of mains and controlled switch or lightening strike. RWS 600 is designed to conduct immunity test for electronic and electrical device.
Multifunctional Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
CCS600 designed as a modular system is the most intelligent solution offering exactly what people need for full-compliant immunity tests against transient, surge and voltage dips. The max voltage is up to 6kV.
Coupling/Decoupling Network
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
coupling/decoupling network is to test the capacity of high speed communication line for surge test. Data transmission rate is up to 1,000MBit/s. It is designed to meet the requirements of figure 14 in IEC/EN 61000-4-5: 2005. The material of decoupling device is high conductive magnetic material. Stable decoupling capacity and transmission rate, easy to use and compact size.