BioAge s.r.l.
BioAge is a hi-tech private company, born on 2003, devoted to the development of electronic systems having an high technology content, the company has its strength in the multidisciplinarity.
- (+39) 349 3564443
(+39) 0968 51061 - (+39) 0968 1905971
- Via Trento, 77
Lamezia Terme, 88046
Infrasonic Array
An Infrasonic Array works like a sonic antenna, it is able to detect the magnitude and the source of sound waves. The Geosonic array is able to detect also pressure waves that the human ears can’t hear. A typical pressure wave is that generated by an explosion or by any physical phenomena (natural or human created) that generates an air pressure wave, which means that the Geosonic array can be used to detect a lot of phenomena, like:
Differential Quartz Crystal Microbalance
During an experiment to detect an affinity reaction on biological material, a molecule of interest is attached to the quartz crystal of the measurement channel, this deposition can be achieved by direct binding or by capture through another protein, the result of this process is to make the quartz sensitive to the molecule to be detected.
Nanogravimetric Measuring Instrument
Eureka is a QCM / EQCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance) nanogravimetric measuring instrument capable of mass measurements in the order of nano-grams and pico-grams. Eureka can be used with gas and liquids, the cells are made by BioAge and sold with the instrument. The tool is the most versatile among those existing on the market, with an excellent quality / price ratio. It is a portable instrument as it is powered only by the PC USB port.
Micro Smart Sensor
The Micro Smart System is one of the many autonomous systems with very low consumption designed by BioAge. The system is characterized by autonomous operation with very low energy consumption thanks to its operation in "Energy Harvesting" which allows to exploit the power supply from a micro solar panel with which each sensor is equipped.
EQCM Electronic Quartz Crystal Microbalance
Elettra has been designed to operate on its own, but it is also possible to connect it to a PC to control it and acquire, view and save data thanks to its extremely easy to use software that runs under MS-Windows™. The data acquisition process can be controlled extremely quickly thanks to the PLAY, PAUSE and STOP keys.
5CH Gas Mixer
G-MIX is an integrated versatile system that can be easily employed to set up countless gaseous mixtures, the gaseous flows are accurately controlled by five MFC (Mass Flow Controller), every MFC has stored inside its memory the calibration tables for 10 different gases.
3CH Gas Mixer
G-MIX is a versatile integrated system that can be easily used to create innumerable gas mixtures, the gas flows are accurately controlled by three MFCs (Mass Flow Controllers), each MFC has stored within its memory the calibrate tables for 10 gases different.