KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH
KROHNE is a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of solutions in industrial process instrumentation. KROHNE offers supporting products and services for one-stop-shopping and in industries as widespread as oil & gas, water & wastewater, chemical & petrochemical, food & beverage, power, minerals & mining and marine.
- Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5
Duisburg, 47058
CARGOMASTER® – Monitoring and alarm software
The CARGOMASTER® system provides measurement of all relevant data.
Contact Level Transmitters
Measure level of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders, and liquid interface
Non-Contact Level Transmitters
Three operate at 24 GHz and three more at 80 GHz which complement the existing 6 GHz and 10 GHz devices. They will appeal to a wide range of industries from chemical and petrochemical to mining, minerals and metals processing and cover liquid and solid applications.
Pipeline Leak Detection and localisation System
*The most sensitive internal pipeline leak detection system available*Outstanding reliability due to “Leak Pattern Recognition”*Highly accurate leak information*Continuous and robust monitoring in all pipeline operating conditions
Pressure Transmitters
Ultra-compact pressure transmitter with recessed diaphragm. *Pressure ranges up to 600bar / 8700psi*Reference accuracy +/- 0.25%*Superior temperature stability*Two-wire 4...20mA
System Layout
The parts that build up the system. Signal Control unit, the Computer Unit, Power Supply and Tank Sensors.
Compact Sensors
OPTITEMP smart compact sensors for temperature measurement in gases and liquids, in pipes and tanks at medium pressure and flow
Electromagnetic Water Meter
WATERFLUX 3070 is the first battery powered water meter for the drinking water industry that is capable of measuring flow, pressure and temperature with one sensor. Communication via Modbus RTU or pulse.
Variable Area Flowmeters
Is a meter that measures fluid flow by allowing the cross sectional area of the device to vary in response to the flow, causing some measurable effect that indicates the rate.