Kinemetrics, Inc.
The company has been creating products for monitoring bridges, dams, structures, seismic arrays and networks, as well as systems for the nuclear power industry. With a reputation for high-quality products and superior reliability Kinemetrics pays careful attention to customer service and satisfaction.
- (626) 795-2220
- (626) 795-0868
- 222 Vista Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
Digitizers and Recorders
Supports real-time data telemetry toseveral data consumers in parallel, each stream with itsown data buffering, and internal, reliable recording simultaneously.
Accelerographs and Accelerometers
Represents the next generation of accelerographs offering NEW and cost effective, web based monitoring capabilities paired with another Kinemetrics’ established world standard, the exemplary EpiSensor accelerometer.
Broadband Sensors
Offers a response between 120 sec and 160 Hz in a smaller, rugged, low power and low cost system that is easy to install and deploy. Built with ease of installation in mind, it does not require mass lock, mass centering, and has a large operational tilt range which combines to reduce installation training, time, and cost.
Is designed to acquire real time data streams from one or more digitizers and perform vital functions on the data that are critical to the end user. The modules within Rockhound may be connected in many useful and different ways. Written in Java, the software can be run on a variety of platforms, including Microsoft’s Windows Operating Systems, Sun MicroSystems’ Solaris Operating System, and the Linux Operating System.
Specialized Systems and Devices
Is the most comprehensive earthquake monitoring solution for the power generation industry in general and nuclear plants in particular – including seismic-event data recording, analysis and notification via hardware alarms and reports – all in one system, delivering confidence in continuing safe operations after an event.
Seismic Triggers
Offers a powerhouse of strong features for shutdown of industrial devices at the onset of a strong earthquake.