Dawn VME Products
An industry leader in the design and manufacture of VME, VME64x, cPCI, cPCI 2.16 and VXI backplanes, card cages, chassis, powered enclosures, and accessory products.
- (800) 258-3296
(510) 657-4444 - (510) 657-3274
- sales@dawnvme.com
- 47915 Westinghouse Drive
Fremont, CA 94539
United States
VPX Backplanes
Dawn’s VPX backplanes are based on Gen3 VPX, VPX (VITA46), VPX REDI (VITA48), OpenVPX (VITA65) and VITA 68 VPX compliance, available in a wide range of profiles and topologies.
VPX Power Supplies
Dawn is the leader in VITA 62 compliant power supplies for the mission critical market. Wide range of standard features, highly configurable through custom firmware.
A full line of accessories for the VPX marketplace based on the various VITA Standards for VPX, offering unique and innovative features. Dawn VME is an Authorized Reseller for Meritec products.
VPX Development Systems
development system with Backplane Profile BKP6-CEN06-11.2.5-n. Specifically supports OpenVPX and VPX REDI 6U convection or conduction cooled boards and modules.
VPX Air Transport Racks
Air and conduction cooled ATR enclosures for rugged VPX deployments.
VPX Enclosures
VPX enclosures based on OpenVPX (VITA65) and VPX REDI (VITA48) specifications.