Simpson Electric Company
A longtime leader in panel instrumentation and test equipment, Simpson has developed a new wireless, web-based, remote monitoring system. The Simpson Teledata system provides a cost effective way to collect, analyze, and utilize accurate data crucial to your processes.
- (715) 588-3311
- (715) 588-3326
- P.O. Box 99
520 Simpson Avenue
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538-0099
United States
AC Leakage Current Tester
Testing for dangerous small leakage currents is easy with the Simpson Model 229-2 Leakage Current Tester. For use in appliance field service, in the lab, or in production, the 229-2 approximates the human threshold of perception in detecting hazardous AC leakage current. The 229-2 comes with test leads with alligator clips, manual and batteries.
Multimeter for Railroad Servicing
The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Railroad Test Set is a rugged, reliable instrument that has been designed for use by trained and qualified technicians associated with the Railroad Signaling and Communications Field. In construction and general principle, it follows closely the proven Simpson pattern based on experience of many years of successful multimeter manufacture.
Line Loop Tester
Simpson?s Model 8455 Line Loop tester detects line shorts, opens and multiple ringers, DC voltages and loop resistance. It can measure DC voltage up to 100 volts and loop resistance to 2 megohms. A front panel ?reverse polarity? switch allows changing polarity positions quicker and easier than manually switching test leads when making line checks.
Analog VOM
260-8 & 260-8P
Nothing beats a Simpson 260-8 for monitoring fluctuating trends and rates. Portable yet with benchtop accuracy, the 260-8 is ideal for use anywhere -- workshop, lab or in the field. The 260-8P features an additional resettable overload protection circuit and audible continuity checking. Both versions come with batteries, manual and full-size test leads with threaded probe tips and screw-on alligator clips.
Low Ohms VOM
Designed for the special needs of solid-state circuitry measurements, the 260-6XLM has extra low power ohms ranges. It also offers all of the advantages of the standard 260 family, including a resettable overload protection circuit on the 260-6XLPM. Both versions come with batteries, manual and test leads with alligator clips.
AC/DC Leakage Current Tester
Test for dangerous leakage current with the Simpson Model 228, designed to meet the latest UL, IEC, and ANSI specifications. The 228 detects both AC and DC leakage current and simulates human response at three different levels -- reaction, let-go, and burn hazard. Each Model 228 comes with test leads with alligator clips, manual, and batteries.
Yellow Industrial VOM
The 260-8Xi offers all of the advantages of the Simpson 260-8, plus several new safety features. The bright yellow ABS housing is easy to see and also provides increased drop protection. The 260-8XPi includes a resettable overload protection circuit and audible continuity check. Both versions come with batteries, manual and test leads with alligator clips.
High Voltage Insulation Tester
Simpson's Model 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester is capable of measuring insulation resistances from 10 kilohms to 1 teraohm with eight selectable test voltages up to 5000 V. As a safety feature, the insulation tester acts as an AC/DC voltmeter to measure the absence of voltage in networks up to 2000 V.
Yellow Industrial VOM
The 260-8Xi offers all of the advantages of the Simpson 260-8, plus several new safety features. The bright yellow ABS housing is easy to see and also provides increased drop protection. The 260-8XPi includes a resettable overload protection circuit and audible continuity check. Both versions come with batteries, manual and test leads with alligator clips.
Sound Dosimeter
Designed for conducting personal noise surveys, the 897 Dosimeter is versatile enough for the experienced hygienist but simple enough for the novice technician. The data storage feature allows you to view reports on the computer or print them for use later during inspections. Purchase the 897 by itself or in the SMS-2 kit with all of the relevant accessories, including calibrator, nose cone, microphone clip, wind screen, and serial and parallel printer cables.
Industrial Safety VOM
The new 260 Volt-Ohm-Meter is suitable for testing most commercial and industrial installations and is rated for Category III-600V applications. Safety is the major design feature of the 260-9S/9SP and the reputation, advantages and reliability of Simpson test equipment is guaranteed.