Applied Relay Testing Ltd.
Applied Relay Testing was formed in 1992 and specialises in advanced test equipment for relays, filtered connectors and capacitors. Our products use test and control techniques usually only found within high-cost mixed signal semiconductor test systems and provide previously unattainable performance and throughput in areas such as low level parametric measurement, high voltage qualification and real world contact life testing.
- +44 (0)1202 892777
- +44 (0)1202 894268
- 27 Cobham Road
Ferndown Industrial Estate
Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7PE
United Kingdom
Life / Chatter Test
Offers a complete range of life test hardware and software modules to enable any Relay Life Test application to be easily and quickly configured, no matter how large or small.
Test Fixtures
Pneumatically actuated Kelvin connection to custom manufactured device inserts either to complement ART's wide range of precision parametric test equipment or for use with third party measurement hardware.
Artworks Software
The ArtWorks test package significantly enhances Applied Relay Testing's familiar Zeus test shell environment.
General purpose calibration/diagnostic tool.Built in precision resistors.Simple manual contact/routing/resistor selection.4mm terminal posts on key device connections.In line mode to aid fixture wiring/DUT debugging.Comprehensive documentation including circuit schematics.Connecting cables.
DWV/IR Test Systems
When used in conjunction with ART's own parametric relay test systems such as the RT290, the RT900 offers high speed AC and DC Hipot (dielectric withstand voltage) and Leakage testing of relays or other multi-pin passive devices.
Relay Test System
Relay test products that combine a flexible hardware architecture with advanced test software. Relay tests can be constructed within minutes and displayed using a very simple interface, making the system ideal for low-cost production applications.
Connector Test
A connector test system which provides expansion of up to 160 Kelvin pair connections. The system incorporates high voltage AC and DC power supplies with a maximum output of +/- 2100 Volts peak for Hi Pot, Insulation resistance measurement. LCR bridge control is provided with 4 terminal multiplexing in order to add precision capacitance, inductance and resistance measurement capability. An integral H.V. capacitor bias option permits capacitance measurement to be made at up to 2.1kV.