Silent Solutions LLC
Worldwide Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC/EMI/RFI) Consulting in Reduction of Electronic Noise, RF Design, and Engineering Training
- (603) 578-1842
- (603) 578-1843
- 10 Northern Boulevard, Suite 1
Amherst, New Hampshire 03031-2328
Retrofit and Troubleshooting
SILENT Troubleshooting and Retrofit Service provides rapid problem resolution. We will work onsite at your facility, or if you prefer, you may ship the product to our troubleshooting lab for an immediate problem review. After seeing their design staff bogged down for weeks, our clients are delighted to see us bring a noise problem under control in a matter of days, and with practical design solutions that are manufacturable.
Pre-compliance Testing
SILENT offers pre-compliance testing for products with planned distribution to commercial and industrial markets in the US and overseas. This includes testing to ensure that emissions, immunity, and circuit-to-circuit interference problems are discovered early and immediately brought under control. We use the most advanced EMC and RF test & measurement equipment and diagnostic software available from leading suppliers.
RF Design
As wireless continues to be a significant growth opportunity, SILENT works with commercial and industrial manufacturers to ensure time-to-market for RF and wireless enabled products. We design, build, and test RF and wireless solutions - within budget and cost guidelines - for consumer grade products and high performance circuits and systems.