LANDTEC is committed to offering leading edge solutions to meet climate sensitive initiatives. Our industry standard GEM series portable analyzers combined with our drive for continual improvement has helped shape today’s standard practices for landfill gas data collection and reporting.
- 2355 Bishop Circle West
Dexter, MI. 48130
United States
Fixed Biomethane AnalyzerIOMETHANE ANALYZER
The BIOMETHANE 3000 is designed for high accuracy methane and oxygen readings for biomethane applications, providing customers with the peace of mind that at first stage production, they will have quality readings above the 95% methane level and below the 1% oxygen level.
Fixed Gas Analyzer
Introducing our new fixed gas analysis system, the BIOGAS 3000! Primarily for the Anaerobic Digestion (AD) biogas and bio-methane upgrading market, the BIOGAS 3000 has been designed to enable site operations to maximize gas production yield and protect expensive capital equipment from the damaging contaminant gases contained within the production process.
Gas Well Casing Seal
WellBore Seal
LANDTEC Wellbore Seal prevents gas leaks and air intrusion with an impermeable membrane that clamps onto a well casing and extends beyond the well bore. The impermeable barrier also allows landfill operators to us higher vacuum pressures at the wellhead with less concern about air intrusion and possible subsurface fires. Higher vacuums can help minimize emissions and subsurface migration.
Portable LFG Analyzer
The GA5000 is our landfill and contaminated land portable gas analyzer, with available gas measurements of CH4, CO2, O2, H2S and CO. It’s easy to use and calibrate and will help standardize your monitoring routines while supporting environmental compliance.
Portable Methane Detector
The SEM5000 Portable Methane Detector is the ideal instrument for landfill surface emissions monitoring, reporting and detecting potential leaks at wellheads and surface penetrations. Thanks to our patented laser technology, the SEM5000 is selective, specifically to methane and is able to detect methane emissions from 0.5ppm to 100% concentration. The SEM5000 is ATEX Zone 1 certified and meets all Method 21 requirements, making it the perfect tool for regulatory compliance.
Portable Biogas Analyzer
Designed to meet Global Renewable Energy and Carbon Credit digester project requirements, the BIOGAS5000 is the ideal field instrument for anaerobic digester gas analysis. Easy-to-use and portable, the BIOGAS5000 measures gas composition and flow with repeatable accuracy on farms, food processing plants and waste water treatment facilities.
Thermal Mass Flow Meter
With an innovative edge, the LANDTEC ACCU-FLO Meter highlights a distinctive feature: A Zero Calibration User Check. The User Check allows the operator to verify that their LANDTEC ACCU-FLO Meter has not shifted, drifted or deviated from its original NIST-traceable Factory Calibration value. This ability makes the ACCU-FLO Meter unique, extremely useful on Gas-to-Energy projects, environmental compliance and essential for the carbon credit market.
Portable LFG Analyzer
GEM5000 Series
The GEM™5000 is designed specifically for use on landfills to monitor Landfill Gas (LFG) Collection & Control Systems. The GEM™5000 samples and analyzes the methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen content of landfill gas with options for additional analysis.
Portable High Purity Gas
Calibration Gas
LANDTEC’s certified primary standard grade calibration gas assures highest quality for your instrument calibration needs. Landtec calibration gases are supplied with color-coded bands at the top of the label for easier visual identification.