908 Devices Inc.
We make products ranging from rugged, handheld chemical detection tools to compact, tiny footprint analyzers and fast separation devices. These purpose-built and user-centric devices serve a range of industries including safety and security, oil & gas, life sciences and other applied markets.
- +1.857.254.1500
- alyssa@908devices.com
- 27 Drydock Ave., 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
United States
GC-HPMS Analyzer
G908 is an all-in-one, multi-column, plug-and-go device. This rugged 28-pound analyzer combines the separation speed of ballistic gas chromatography, the compound selectivity of high pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS), and the analytical capabilities of FID and TCD, to provide rapid qualitative and quantitative results.
All Hazards Detection & Identification Tool
MX908™ leverages high-pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS) to deliver dramatically enhanced sensitivity and broader threat category coverage. MX908 hosts an all hazards threat list which has been upgraded to include a broader spectrum of chemical warfare agents (CWA), explosives and high priority toxic industrial chemical (TIC) targets. From military grade, commercial and improvised explosives to novel threat materials, MX908 supports the needs of the modern mission.
Empowering Traditional Mass Spec
The ZipChip™ separations platform uses integrated microfluidic technology to prepare, separate and electrospray biological samples directly into traditional mass spectrometers (MS). In less than 3 minutes per sample, the cost-effective ZipChip system enables analysis of a broad range of matrices from growth media to cell lysates, blood, plasma, urine, and biopharma products. Each chip provides answers on analytes from small molecules up to intact proteins, antibodies and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). This platform provides better separation quality than most liquid chromatography (LC) instruments – in a fraction of the time – all with full MS identification behind every separations peak.