Knohow Technology
Our product LCR Meter is described here in detail.There are two types of instruments. One is Ready to Use type and another is in C K D form.
- +91 22 25426675
- Office No 2, Radhye Shyam Apartment, Vishnunagar,
Naupada, THANE, Mumbai 400602
LCR Meter
KH 100 Series
Functions :- L+Q, C+D, R+Q, Or Auto, |Z|+?, R+X, G+B, N+?, N-1+?, Vs+Vp, M, L+ALParameters Displayed: - Value, Difference, % DifferenceTest frequencies :-100Hz,120Hz,250Hz,500Hz,1kHz,2.5kHz, 5kHz, 7.8125kHz,12.5kHz,15.625kHz,25kHz,And an additional User defined from 500 possibleA Frequencies between 100 Hz and 25 kHz Depending on Model No
LCR Meter
KH100 Series is also available in kit form. Kit includes complete assembled motherboard with or without LCD Display and Keyboard. LCD Display can be of bigger size to suite to main Enclosure. Keyboard being a simple layout can be changed to suite the Enclosure.