Galaxy Scientific, Inc.
Galaxy Scientific, an industry pioneer in portable optical Near Infrared spectroscopy, is an agile innovator, enabling organizations to use the power of Near Infrared optical spectroscopy to analyze and authenticate important chemicals and materials. We are specialized in the development and manufacturing of high performance, rugged and portable near infrared spectrometers for lab, process, and field use. Our passion is innovation and our mission is to develop uniquely robust NIR instruments to tackle critical analytical problems in the food, feed, agriculture, pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical, polymer & chemical, energy, and environmental sectors.
- +1.603.821.9650
- 14 Celina Ave,
Unit 17
Nashua, NH 03063
United States
Fiber Optic FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR™ 2000
The QuasIR™ 2000 Portable Fiber Optic FT-NIR Near Infrared Spectrometer was designed from the ground up to offer the industry a new kind of NIR analysis solution – a solution that brings together the portability required to move NIR analysis closer to point-of-need, combined with unmatched spectroscopic performance for the fastest and most accurate results.
Transmission FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR™ 1000
The QuasIR™ 1000 is an NIR analysis solution that brings together portability with unmatched spectroscopic performance. The QuasIR™ 1000 ensures direct calibration transfer without the frustration of standardizing instruments or adjusting models to accommodate excessive instrument variability.
Integrating Sphere FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR 3000™
The QuasIR™ 3000 was designed from the ground up to offer the industry a new kind of NIR analysis solution – a solution that brings together the portability required to move NIR analysis closer to point-of-need, combined with unmatched spectroscopic performance for the fastest and most accurate results.
Transmission & Integrating Sphere FT-NIR Spectrometer
QuasIR™ 4000
The QuasIR™ 4000 was designed from the ground up to offer the industry a new kind of NIR analysis solution – a solution that brings together the portability required to move NIR analysis closer to point-of-need, combined with unmatched spectroscopic performance for the fastest and most accurate results.
FT-NIR for Process Analytics
QuasIR™ 2000E
Galaxy Scientific’s QuasIR™ 2000E is designed for continuous measurement of the chemical composition of material transported on a conveyor belt, through a pipe, or in a chute. Our unique external projection optics use high powered tungsten lamps to illuminate the sample from as far as 24 inches away and collect the scattered reflection off the sample through a fiber optic cable. The analysis spot size can be set as small as 0.5″ or as large as 8″ in diameter and can be custom tailored to applications needs.