Andor Design Corp.
Specializes in high performance low cost interface cards for the Avionics MIL-STD-1553 serial multiplex bus. Each card is feature rich and provides the benefit of a universal MIL-STD-1553 card capable of performing all the required tasks associated with simulation, testing, monitoring, data communication and Production / Validation test plans of the various components of the Avionics Bus.
- (516) 364-1619
- (516) 364-5428
- 20 Pond View Dr.
Syosset, NY 11791-4409
DB9 To Twinax Adapter
The DB9TWX67 is an adapter for converting the DB9 outputs of ANDOR Design’s MIL-STD-1553 cards to the Twin Axial connector used in MIL-STD-1553. Two adapters are supplied with each dual redundant channel card.
CPCI BUS Interface Card
Cpci301 MIL-STD-1553
MIL-STD-1553 A, B & McAir MULTI PROTOCOLS Simulator / Analyzer / Tester CPCI BUS Interface Card - The CPCI301 can be used for Validation Testing, Production Testing, full bus simulation and monitoring, as a general purpose 1553 interface or a stand alone bus Analyzer. For precise message scheduling and measurements, the Major and minor frame times are independent of message sequences or retransmissions on errors and the start of all command messages are independent of message length, response time or length of response. Message timing is calibrated and RT responses have low jitter.
ISA Bus Dual Redundant MIL-STD-1553 A/B Simulator / Analyzer / Tester
Price: Request QuoteMIL-STD-1553 A, B Simulator/Analyzer/Tester ISA BUS Interface Card. The CIC101 can be used for Validation Testing,Production Testing, full bus simulation and monitoring, as ageneral purpose 1553 interface or a stand alone bus Analyzer. It provides precise message scheduling andmeasurements. Major and minor frame times areindependent of message sequences or retransmissions onerrors. The start of all command messages may be set to beindependent of message length, response time or length ofresponse. The CIC101 features a calibrated Message timingand low jitter RT responses.
MIL-STD-1553 A, B Simulator/Analyzer/Tester
MIL-STD-1553 A, B Simulator/Analyzer/Tester - CIC201B VME/VXI B Size Interface, CIC201C VME/VXI C Size Interface - The CIC201 can be used for Validation Testing, Production Testing, full bus simulation and monitoring, as a general purpose 1553 interface or a stand alone bus Analyzer. For precise message scheduling and measurements, the Major and minor frame times are independent of message sequences or retransmissions on errors and the start of all command messages are independent of message length, response time or length of response. Message timing is calibrated and RT responses have low jitter.
PCI BUS Interface Card
MIL-STD-1553 A, B & McAir MULTI PROTOCOLS Simulator/Analyzer/Tester PCI BUS Interface Card - The PCI301 can be used for Validation Testing, Production Testing, full bus simulation and monitoring, as a general purpose 1553 interface or a stand alone bus Analyzer. For precise message scheduling and measurements, the Major and minor frame times are independent of message sequences or retransmissions on errors and the start of all command messages are independent of message length, response time or length of response. Message timing is calibrated and RT responses have low jitter.
Type 2, PCMCIA Dual Redundant MIL-STD-1553 serial bus Simulator Analyzer Tester
MIL-STD-1553 A, B, & McAir MULTI PROTOCOLS Simulator/Analyzer/Tester type 2 PCMCIA BUS Interface Card - The PC401 can be used for Validation Testing, ProductionTesting, full bus simulation and monitoring, as a generalpurpose 1553 interface or a stand alone bus Analyzer. Forprecise message scheduling and measurements, the Majorand minor frame times are independent of messagesequences or retransmissions on errors and the start of allcommand messages are independent of message length,response time or length of response. Message timing iscalibrated and RT responses have low jitter.
Simulator / Analyzer / Tester PCI BUS Interface Card
CIC301 - MIL-STD-1553
The CIC301 is a full-featured, high performance, Dual Redundant MIL-STD-1553 A/B serial bus Simulator Analyzer Tester designed as a plug in card for PCI backplane. The CIC301 includes full error injection and can operate in independent or simultaneous mode as a Bus Controller, multiple simulated Remote Terminals and full/selective Monitor. Its data structure can be changed on the fly without interrupting the processor for real time operation. The active monitor stores, time tag and annotates bus traffic with the message type and any detected errors. Stored words are annotated with a break down of the word error.
8 CHANNELS ARINC 429 Simulator Analyzer Tester
The CIC429 is a full featured, high performance Serial bus Simulator Analyzer Tester developed by Andor Design for test and simulation of ARINC 429 or similar Avionic buses. The CIC429 is designed as a 5/8 size plug-in card for an ISA bus. An on board microprocessor off loads the host by organizing the data in a predefined structure in the dual port RAM. Programming the CIC429 consists of changing this data, which can be done on the fly for real time applications