Over 135 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, with 25% developing podiatric problems related to the disease, such as diabetic neuropathy. This neuropathy often causes severe pain and can be incapacitating. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the number of diabetes patients will reach 300 million by 2025. Four to five percent of health budgets are spent on diabetes-related illnesses, such as the management of diabetic neuropathy and its consequences. Methods are needed to quantitatively evaluate the integrity of both small and large-caliber sensory nerve fibers in order to detect and treat this condition early in its progression. Since diabetic neuropathy is an irreversible condition, early detection is a key factor for controlling and treating patients early before the disabling effects presen
- +972-4-9038800
- +972-4-9038808
- 1 Ha'dekel St.
Ramat Yishai, 30095
CHEPS is considered the most advanced and sophisticated device for pain assessment available today, and is opening an exciting opportunities in pain research. Documenting and measuring objective response to evoked-pain is important in clinical and research applications, such as assessing pain associated with medications and treatments.
The ATS takes QST to a new level, delivering painful and non-painful stimuli at a temperature range of 0C to 55C (expandable to -10C to 55C) with heating and cooling rate of up to 8C/sec. This opens new research opportunities in deep cold and heat pain studies.
Small-fiber Test
Q-Sense offers a scientifically validated measure of warm, cooland heat-pain thermal sensory thresholds, all clinically usefuldeterminants in the evaluation of neuropathic pain, diabeticneuropathy, chemotherapeutic and other small-fiber neuropathies.
Vibratory Sensory Analyzer
The VSA-3000 quantifies vibratory perception thresholds to evaluate peripheral nerves and somatosensory pathways. This quantitative assessment of large-caliber, A-beta sensory nerve fiber function is available as a stand-alone unit, or can be used together with the TSA-II NeuroSensory Analyzer.
Algometers are designed to quantify and document levels of tenderness via pressure threshold measurement and pain sensitivity via pain tolerance measurement. Pressure algometry is a reliable measure of pain in muscle, joints, tendons, and ligaments.
NeuroSensory Analyzer
TSA thermal stimulator test procedure The test procedure itself is similar to that employed in such routine tests as eye and hearing examinations, where patients are asked to respond to visual or auditory stimuli. Sensory testing is performed by applying the TSA-II thermode on the patient's skin to heat or cool the skin. Patients respond to the temperature stimuli by pushing a button, and the sensory threshold is recorded and automatically compared to an age-matched normative data.