ADLINK Technology Inc.

ADLINK Technology Inc. (TAIEX:6166) leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. ADLINK manufactures edge hardware and develops edge software for embedded, distributed and intelligent computing– more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success. ADLINK contributes to open source, robotics, autonomous, IoT and 5G standards initiatives across 24+ consortiums, driving innovation across industries. For over 25 years, with 1800+ ADLINKers and 200+ partners, ADLINK enables the technologies of today and tomorrow, advancing technology and society around the world.

  • +886-3-216-5088
  • +886-3-328-5706
  • No. 66, Huaya 1st Rd.,
    Guishan Dist.
    Taoyuan City, 333411

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